Grounds Maintenance Contract 2025

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Services)
3 year
18 Apr 2024
01 Apr 2025 to 31 Mar 2028
30 Jun 2024 23:59



Open spaces, play areas, cemeteries, closed churchyards and allotments within Bishopstoke, Eastleigh, that are managed or owned by Bishopstoke Parish Council

Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers

2 buyers


Standard specification for all open space areas: Grass cutting: To mow the grass, including strimming where necessary, within each bounded area shown on a roughly fortnightly basis, although there is scope for staggering the frequency to take account of high growth and low growth periods. 18 visits per year for each site beginning no later than March and going through until November. If the grass cannot be mown due to the weather or ground conditions, then the site should be visited as soon as is practical after the original visit date. Within each enclosed play area itself the grass cuttings are to be collected, removed from site and disposed of responsibly off site. Leaf collection: A minimum of 3 visits per site, as required, between November and January to ensure regular clearance. Ground to be left clear of all fallen leaves by the end of leaf falling season. All leaves collected to be removed from site and disposed of responsibly off site. Weedkilling and edging: The paths through each bounded area, and the enclosed play areas to be edged as necessary through the mowing period. If absolutely necessary weedkiller may also be used. Invasive Species: Should any invasive species be noticed then the Council is to be notified as soon as possible. Litter picking: All bins (excluding dog waste bins) in each bounded area to be emptied 3 days per week (Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday) throughout the year. Litter picking in each area to be carried out on the same basis. All rubbish collected is to be disposed of responsibly off site. As the number of bins is variable and subject to change, please quote a price per bin. Currently there are approximately 20 bins across all the various sites. Play Area Health and Safety: Basic weekly health and safety check, by eye only, completed for each play area, reporting on any obvious broken equipment, issues, graffiti, broken glass etc. The Council is moving to an app-based inspection system for which full training will be provided, however it currently has an inspection sheet which can be provided upon request. At present, the Council's sheet, or similar, is expected to be used for the inspections, and returned to the Parish Council at the end of each month. Should any issues be found during the inspection then the Council is to be notified as soon as possible, and the company is expected to make reasonable efforts to secure the area. Wildflower Areas: Certain areas within the open spaces will be designated as wildflower areas by the Council. These areas are to be left unmown throughout the growing season. Instead these areas should be dealt with as appropriate for each area. The Council may add to, or remove, these areas as it sees fit. Current wildflower areas are outlined in pink on the accompanying images. Ad hoc jobs will be available from time to time of a similar nature and specific requirements may be varied according to the site or current needs of the council.

Total Quantity or Scope

Further details The contract is initially for a 3-year period but, subject to possible legal limits, may be extended with the agreement of both parties. The Parish Council reserves the right to reduce any or all of the requirements of the specification should circumstance dictate. Any extra work or visits must be agreed by both parties in advance of the work being undertaken, at the same rates as those that form the initial contract. Prices should be quoted exclusive of VAT. Either party may terminate the contract by giving three calendar months' notice. Should the Parish Council deem the work undertaken by the contractor to be of a standard lower than that expected then the Council retains the right to terminate the contract with immediate effect. The contractor is required to produce risk assessments for each site before the commencement of the contract, which will be provided to the Parish Council upon request. The requirements of the risk assessments must be followed at all times. All relevant protective clothing will be worn whilst conducting work for the Parish Council, and all safety procedures will be followed to ensure that both employees and members of the public are protected. Failure to do so may result in termination of the contract. Only suitably competent staff will use machinery to carry out any work for the Parish Council. For example, anyone using a chainsaw must have successfully completed relevant training. The contractor is required to have all necessary and relevant licences and certificates, including but not limited to a waste disposal licence, weedkilling licence and chainsaw certificate. The contractor is required to have a minimum of £10 million of Public Liability insurance, details of which will be provided to the Parish Council prior to the 1st April 2025, and every year upon renewal of the insurance. Copies of all licences and certificates held, the Public Liability insurance certificate, all other relevant insurance documents, a relevant staff list, a relevant equipment list, company details and account details will need to be provided at the same time as the submitted bid. If the intention is to hire staff or purchase equipment once the contract is awarded, then those details should be provided too. The price quoted by the company should indicate whether it is fixed for the life of the contract. If not, then the price for each year of the contract should be specified in advance in the submission from the company. The price of the contract for each year will be split into 12 equal amounts, to be paid monthly at the end of each calendar month. Preference will be given to local companies employing local people. Preference will also be given to companies who are already using rechargeable electric equipment, or who are transitioning towards it, with greater weight given the more across the board the use of such equipment is. Please note that Bishopstoke Parish Council does not allow the use of glyphosate based weedkillers. Bishopstoke Parish Council is in the catchment of the River Itchen, a Special Area of Conservation, and we have a duty to use chemicals responsibly. Further chemicals may be restricted at a later date. Requirements for the bidder • A letter introducing the company. • Cost per year to the Parish Council of the contract as a whole excluding VAT, for each of the three initial years of the contract, and an indication of future costs should the contract be extended. • A breakdown of costs covering the rate for each job at each site, including associated costs such as off-site disposal of grass, and an hourly rate for each type of work. • Copies of all relevant and necessary licences and certificates. • Copies of all necessary insurance documents, including the value of Public Liability insurance held. • Current relevant staff numbers, including any specific qualifications (e.g. chainsaw licence holder) and indicating if any further people would be employed should the contract be awarded. • A current relevant equipment list indicating any equipment that would be purchased should the contract be awarded. Particular attention should be paid to highlighting any rechargeable electric equipment. • Company details - including but not limited to how long the company has been in operation. • Account details. • Examples of current and previous work, including contact details for at least two references to be taken up. • An indication of willingness to take on the potential additions to the contract. • Details of any of the possible ad hoc jobs the company is unwilling or unable to undertake. • Any further information the company feels would be relevant to the bid. General specification

CPV Codes

  • 77300000 - Horticultural services


  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • Renewals are not available.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

Please contact David Wheal, the Clerk, for further information by emailing

