20-336 Alcohol and Drug Treatment and Recovery Service - Non Core Framework Call Off WO 005

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
not specified
08 May 2024
not specified



Within the Borough of Rotherham

Geochart for 4 buyers and 1 suppliers


WY have been allocated £216,000 of the 2024/25 OHID Supplemental Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery grant for the purposes of brokering and paying for residential rehabilitation placements. This funding provides additionality to the existing Core residential rehabilitation service provision.

Total Quantity or Scope

Rotherham Public Health service have been awarded a Supplemental Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Grant (SSMTRG) of £2,178,186 for 2024/25: Additional drug and alcohol treatment funding allocations: 2023 to 2024 and 2024 to 2025 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) £216,000 of this budget has been allocated to increase capacity for individuals to access residential rehabilitation for drug and/or alcohol issues. Residential Rehabilitation activity via the WY service commenced in 2023/24 and will continue into 2024- 25. Time Period for Delivery - 1 st April 2024 - 31st March 2025

Award Detail

1 We are with You (London)
  • 20-336 Alcohol and Drug Treatment and Recovery Service - Non Core Framework Call Off WO 005
  • Reference: 20-336 wo 005
  • Num offers: 1
  • Value: £216,000

Award Criteria


CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


  • Award on basis of price.

Other Information

The Council awarded a Core Contract and Non-Core Framework 1st April 2023 following an openly advertised competitive process undertaken in line with the Social and Other Specific Services provision of the Public Contract Regulations (as amended). Both the Core and Non-Core Framework were established on the basis of an initial 5-year term commencing 1st April 2023, with the option to extend annually for a further 5 years at the discretion of the Council. On the 1st January 2024 Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023 were introduced and the scope of the services described within this report would now align with the new Health Care Services legislation as follows:- Regulation 29 - Transitional Provision 29 (3) These Regulations apply to (b) any contract award procedure commenced on or after 1st January 2024 for the award of a contract to be based on, any framework agreement for relevant health care services between one or more relevant authorities and one or more providers whether or not the framework agreement was concluded in accordance with these Regulations or before 1st January 2024. In this instance the Council is commencing the award of a new Work Order/Call Off Contract via a framework agreement which was concluded before 1st January 2024. Regulation 18 - Contracts Based on a Framework Agreement 18 (3) Where a framework agreement is concluded with a single provider, a relevant authority may award a contract without a competition in accordance with that framework agreement. In this instance the Council has created a None Core Framework Agreement with a single provider and as such is permitted to complete an award/call off without a competition in accordance with the original framework as established. The Council awarded a Core Contract and Non-Core Framework 1st April 2023 following an openly advertised competitive process undertaken in line with the Social and Other Specific Services provision of the Public Contract Regulations (as amended). Both the Core and Non-Core Framework were established on the basis of an initial 5-year term commencing 1st April 2023, with the option to extend annually for a further 5 years at the discretion of the Council. On the 1st January 2024 Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023 were introduced and the scope of the services described within this report would now align with the new Health Care Services legislation as follows:- Regulation 29 - Transitional Provision 29 (3) These Regulations apply to (b) any contract award procedure commenced on or after 1st January 2024 for the award of a contract to be based on, any framework agreement for relevant health care services between one or more relevant authorities and one or more providers whether or not the framework agreement was concluded in accordance with these Regulations or before 1st January 2024. In this instance the Council is commencing the award of a new Work Order/Call Off Contract via a framework agreement which was concluded before 1st January 2024. Regulation 18 - Contracts Based on a Framework Agreement 18 (3) Where a framework agreement is concluded with a single provider, a relevant authority may award a contract without a competition in accordance with that framework agreement. In this instance the Council has created a None Core Framework Agreement with a single provider and as such is permitted to complete an award/call off without a competition in accordance with the original framework as established. There are no declared conflicts or potential conflicts of interest, this information was assessed and managed at the development of the Procurement Business Case and the evaluation process in order to identify the successful provider. The decision to award this contract was taken by Ben Anderson, Director of Public Health.

