YPO 001239 - Catering Cleaning Chemicals

A Contract Award Notice
by YPO

Find a Tender
Framework (Goods)
not specified
04 Sep 2024
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 23 suppliers
Bio Technics
Alliance Disposables
Pattersons Bristol Ta Pattersons West Midlands
Coventry Chemicals Ta Mirius Global Hygiene
Fullis Paperware
Parc Supplies
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


YPO are looking for Providers to be appointed onto a Framework Agreement for the supply of Catering Cleaning Chemicals for use primarily in the education and public services market. This Framework is designed to meet the needs of YPO by establishing an agreement for Providers to deliver stock into YPO’s distribution centre in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.

Lot Division

1 Alcohol free disinfecting wipes for food probes. Biocidal. Food taint free. Odourless.. Tub 200

Lot 1 is for the provision of alcohol free disinfecting wipes for food probes, biocidal, food taint free and odourless in a tub of 200 to be delivered into YPO's distribution centre in Wakefield.

2 Soap filled steel wool soap pads. Pack 10

Lot 2 is for the provision of soap filled steel wool soap pads in a pack 10 to be delivered into YPO's distribution centre in Wakefield.

3 Kitchen cleaner and degreaser liquid, 5 litre bottle. Suitable for general cleaning of walls, floors, kitchen equipment and washable surfaces. 5 Litre

Lot 3 is for the provision of kitchen cleaner and degreaser liquid in a 5 litre bottle. Suitable for general cleaning of walls, floors, kitchen equipment and washable surfaces to be delivered into YPO's distribution centre in Wakefield.

4 Kitchen cleaner and degreaser liquid, Super concentrated. Suitable for general cleaning of walls, floors, kitchen equipment and washable surfaces. 2 Litre

Lot 4 is for the provision of kitchen cleaner and degreaser liquid, super concentrated. Suitable for general cleaning of walls, floors, kitchen equipment and washable surfaces in 2 Litre to be delivered into YPO's distribution centre in Wakefield.

5 Kitchen cleaner, degreaser and sanitiser. Suitable for general cleaning of walls, floors, kitchen equipment and washable surfaces. Disinfectant properties. 750ml trigger

Lot 5 is for the provision of kitchen cleaner, degreaser and sanitiser suitable for general cleaning of walls, floors, kitchen equipment and washable surfaces with disinfectant properties in a 750ml trigger to be delivered into YPO's distribution centre in Wakefield.

6 Professional degreasing powder suitable for cleaning walls, floors, surfaces, fat fryers etc. 6kg

Lot 6 is for the provision of professional degreasing powder suitable for cleaning walls, floors, surfaces, fat fryers etc in a 6kg pack to be delivered into YPO's distribution centre in Wakefield.

7 Oven and grill aerosol cleaning spray, suitable for cleaning warm or cold ovens, grills and griddles.500ml

Lot 7 is for the provision of oven and grill aerosol cleaning spray, suitable for cleaning warm or cold ovens, grills and griddles in 500ml to be delivered into YPO's distribution centre in Wakefield.

8 Non-caustic oven cleaner trigger spray. 750ml

Lot 8 is for the provision of non-caustic oven cleaner trigger spray. 750ml to be delivered into YPO's distribution centre in Wakefield.

9 Kettle & Appliance descaler. Non-toxic. Suitable for descaling shower heads. 500ml

Lot 9 is for the provision of kettle & Appliance descaler, non-toxic. Suitable for descaling shower heads. 500ml to be delivered into YPO's distribution centre in Wakefield.

10 Soda Crystals. For general catering cleaning and degreasing applications. 1kg

Lot 10 is for the provision of soda crystals for general catering cleaning and degreasing applications. 1kg to be delivered into YPO's distribution centre in Wakefield.

11 Cleaning and sanitising powder. Chlorinated. Odourless and non-tainting, suitable for catering applications. 10kg

Lot 11 is for the provision of cleaning and sanitising powder, chlorinated odourless and non-tainting, suitable for catering applications. 10kg to be delivered into YPO's distribution centre in Wakefield.

12 Stain removing powder, cleaner and brightener. 3.5kg

Lot 12 is for the provision of stain removing powder, cleaner and brightener. 3.5kg to be delivered into YPO's distribution centre in Wakefield.

13 Commercial grade auto dose combination oven cleaner liquid. 10 Litre

Lot 13 is for the provision of commercial grade auto dose combination oven cleaner liquid. 10 Litre to be delivered into YPO's distribution centre in Wakefield.

14 Commercial grade auto dose combination oven rinse liquid to compliment cleaning liquid in Lot 13. 10 Litre

Lot 14 is for the provision of commercial grade auto dose combination oven rinse liquid to compliment cleaning liquid in Lot 13. 10 Litre to be delivered into YPO's distribution centre in Wakefield.

15 Concentrated oven cleaner suitable for ovens with automatic cleaning option. 5 Litre

Lot 15 is for the provision of concentrated oven cleaner suitable for ovens with automatic cleaning option. 5 Litre to be delivered into YPO's distribution centre in Wakefield.

16 Cream Cleaner, non-scratch formula. 750ml

Lot 16 is for the provision of cream cleaner, non-scratch formula. 750ml to be delivered into YPO's distribution centre in Wakefield.

Award Detail

1 Bunzl (London)
  • Lot 1 - Alcohol free disinfecting wipes for food probes. Biocidal. Food taint free. Odourless. Tub 200
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-1
  • Value: £311,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
2 Bio Technics (Liverpool)
  • Lot 1 - Alcohol free disinfecting wipes for food probes. Biocidal. Food taint free. Odourless. Tub 200
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-1
  • Value: £311,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
3 Bunzl (London)
  • Lot 2 - Soap filled steel wool soap pads. Pack 10
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-2
  • Value: £311,000
4 Alliance Disposables (Crewe)
  • Lot 3 - Kitchen cleaner and degreaser liquid, 5 litre bottle. Suitable for general cleaning of walls, floors, kitchen equipment and washable surfaces. 5 Litre
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-3
  • Value: £311,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
5 Bio Technics (Liverpool)
  • Lot 3 - Kitchen cleaner and degreaser liquid, 5 litre bottle. Suitable for general cleaning of walls, floors, kitchen equipment and washable surfaces. 5 Litre
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-3
  • Value: £311,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
6 Bunzl (London)
  • Lot 3 - Kitchen cleaner and degreaser liquid, 5 litre bottle. Suitable for general cleaning of walls, floors, kitchen equipment and washable surfaces. 5 Litre
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-3
  • Value: £311,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
7 Pattersons Bristol Ta Pattersons West Midlands (Redditch)
  • Lot 3 - Kitchen cleaner and degreaser liquid, 5 litre bottle. Suitable for general cleaning of walls, floors, kitchen equipment and washable surfaces. 5 Litre
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-3
  • Value: £311,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
8 Bio Technics (Liverpool)
  • Lot 4 - Kitchen cleaner and degreaser liquid, Super concentrated. Suitable for general cleaning of walls, floors, kitchen equipment and washable surfaces. 2 Litre
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-4
  • Value: £311,000
9 Pattersons Bristol Ta Pattersons West Midlands (Redditch)
  • Lot 5 - Kitchen cleaner, degreaser and sanitiser. Suitable for general cleaning of walls, floors, kitchen equipment and washable surfaces. Disinfectant properties. 750ml trigger
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-5
  • Value: £311,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
10 Coventry Chemicals Ta Mirius Global Hygiene (Coventry)
  • Lot 5 - Kitchen cleaner, degreaser and sanitiser. Suitable for general cleaning of walls, floors, kitchen equipment and washable surfaces. Disinfectant properties. 750ml trigger
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-5
  • Value: £311,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
11 Alliance Disposables (Crewe)
  • Lot 5 - Kitchen cleaner, degreaser and sanitiser. Suitable for general cleaning of walls, floors, kitchen equipment and washable surfaces. Disinfectant properties. 750ml trigger
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-5
  • Value: £311,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
12 Bunzl (London)
  • Lot 6 - Professional degreasing powder suitable for cleaning walls, floors, surfaces, fat fryers etc. 6kg
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-6
  • Value: £311,000
13 Diversey (Weston Favell)
  • Lot 7 - Oven and grill aerosol cleaning spray, suitable for cleaning warm or cold ovens, grills and griddles.500ml
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-7
  • Value: £311,000
14 Fullis Paperware (Gateshead)
  • Lot 8 - Non-caustic oven cleaner trigger spray. 750ml
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-8
  • Value: £311,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
15 Parc Supplies (Leeds)
  • Lot 8 - Non-caustic oven cleaner trigger spray. 750ml
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-8
  • Value: £311,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
16 Coventry Chemicals Ta Mirius Global Hygiene (Coventry)
  • Lot 9 - Kettle & Appliance descaler. Non-toxic. Suitable for descaling shower heads. 500ml
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-9
  • Value: £311,000
17 Fullis Paperware (Gateshead)
  • Lot 10 - Soda Crystals. For general catering cleaning and degreasing applications. 1kg
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-10
  • Value: £311,000
18 Parc Supplies (Leeds)
  • Lot 11 - Cleaning and sanitising powder. Chlorinated. Odourless and non-tainting, suitable for catering applications. 10kg
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-11
  • Value: £311,000
19 Parc Supplies (Leeds)
  • Lot 12 - Stain removing powder, cleaner and brightener. 3.5kg
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-12
  • Value: £311,000
20 Bunzl (London)
  • Lot 13 - Commercial grade auto dose combination oven cleaner liquid. 10 Litre
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-13
  • Value: £311,000
21 Diversey (Weston Favell)
  • Lot 14 - Commercial grade auto dose combination oven rinse liquid to compliment cleaning liquid in Lot 13. 10 Litre
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-14
  • Value: £311,000
22 Pattersons Bristol Ta Pattersons West Midlands (Redditch)
  • Lot 15 - Concentrated oven cleaner suitable for ovens with automatic cleaning option. 5 Litre
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-15
  • Value: £311,000
23 Diversey (Weston Favell)
  • Lot 16 - Cream Cleaner, non-scratch formula. 750ml
  • Reference: 028305-2024-001239-16
  • Value: £311,000

Award Criteria

Quality 35%
Delivery and Customer Service 20%
Social Value/Sustainability 10%
price 35%

CPV Codes

  • 39800000 - Cleaning and polishing products
  • 39830000 - Cleaning products


Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** YPO are purchasing on the behalf of other contracting authorities. Please see the below link for details: https://www.ypo.co.uk/about/customers/permissible-users . YPO will incorporate a standstill period at the point of notification of the award of the contract is provided to all bidders. The standstill period will be for a minimum of 10 calendar days, and provides time for unsuccessful tenderers to challenge the award decision before the contract is entered into. The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 provide for aggrieved parties who have been harmed or are at risk of harm by a breach of the rules to take action in the High Court (England, Wales and Northern Ireland).

