Mattieclick Social Network Training and Resources
A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 1.5 month
- Value
- £14K
- Sector
- Published
- 27 Sep 2024
- Delivery
- 19 Feb 2024 to 31 Mar 2024
- Deadline
- 14 Feb 2024 12:00
1 buyer
- Kent County Council Maidstone
1 supplier
- Aknet Ac Den Haag
Aims and Objective of the Social Network Training Studies show that insufficient support from partner, friends and family is associated with a greater risk of depression and anxiety in the perinatal period. Studies also show good social support is essential in the perinatal period and the importance of understanding one's social network and strengthening it is really important. (Sufredini et al 2022) Given the importance of a good quality social support network, the aims of this commission are: • To raise awareness of the importance of a good quality social network with professionals that work with families. • To support families in conversations about their social network, so that for those families with poor social networks, solutions may be found to strengthen their support networks. REQUIREMENT Overview of Requirement KCC requires a suitable provider to carry out: Phase 1 Social Network Training. • To deliver basic training on the use of a social network mapping tool to use in supported conversations with mothers/carers about their social network. • It is expected that the training would be a face to face one day training with an online participants groups). In this training, participants will work with materials provided by the provider. They will learn to complete the social network map and understand how to use the map with their clients. • 6 days of basic training to 60-90 participants total and the training will be in groups of 10-15 participants. • 8 online meetings with participants (2 hours each) • The training will be suitable for specialist perinatal midwives, Live Well Kent support group facilitators, family partnership programme leads, early help workers, perinatal mental health Health Visiting leads and antenatal group leaders (via KCC grant scheme). • To be completed by 31.03.24 Phase 2 Digital Tool & Training to become a Coach ONLINE TRAIN THE TRAINER PHASE 2 Train the Trainer is an online program that includes an introduction (1 ½ hours) and 2 online sessions (2 hours) where participants learn to guide the coaches and deliver the Phase 1 training. Additional time will be allocated for preparation, feedback, and individual guidance. This training will provide a deeper understanding of the basics of MattieClick, the purpose of MattieClick, and how to use it successfully with clients. After this training, participants will be able to work with cohort 1 and 2 participants (coaches). This phase will include homework for the participants (estimated 2 hours) Resources to accompany the training • 500 hard copies of an A5 flyer • 5,000 hard copies of a postcard • 5,000 magnets • 2,000 hard copies of social maps
Award Detail
1 | Aknet (Ac Den Haag)
CPV Codes
- 80500000 - Training services
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
- Contract is suitable for VCOs.
- SC240019
- CF 616de760-094c-4104-b34d-dc140de56679