Suffolk and North East Essex Long Covid and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME&CFS) Combined Service
A Contract Addendum Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- not specified
- Value
- ___
- Sector
- Published
- 07 Nov 2024
- Delivery
- not specified
- Deadline
- n/a

1 buyer
- NHS Suffolk & North East Essex Icb Colchester
This service covers suspected and newly diagnosed myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients and long covid adult patients aged 18 and over, including children and young people transitioning into this adult specialist service from diagnosis, who are with a Registered GP within Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care System (SNEE ICS). The service also includes a proportion of severely affected up to 25% of the ME&CFS population already diagnosed, who may require additional support by the specialist service in collaboration with primary care and community services. Key aims of the service are to provide early ME&CFS and/or Long Covid diagnosis for patients across SNEE ICS with a personalised care and support plan for ongoing management and signposting to appropriate services. The service will also play an important role in supporting those who are severely affected people with ME&CFS and/or Long Covid, including supporting children and young people with a diagnosis of Long Covid and/or ME&CFS transitioning into this adult service with the intention to relieve pressure on acute and primary care services.
CPV Codes
- 85000000 - Health and social work services
Other Information
Please note that the current name for the service should be Myalgic Encephalomyelitis & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Long Covid Service and then in that order throughout the PIN notice whenever Myalgic Encephalomyelitis & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Long Covid are referred to. In addition, at section 2.4 the following section: Recognising that people with ME&CFS and/or Long Covid may have experienced prejudice and disbelief and could feel stigmatised by people should read: Recognising that people with ME&CFS may have experienced prejudice and disbelief and could feel stigmatised by people.
- FTS 036082-2024