Specialist Education Framework Phase 1 – Independent Non-Maintained Special Schools Round 2

A Contract Award Notice

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Framework (Services)
not specified
27 Jan 2025
not specified



North Nottinghamshire:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 5 suppliers
Nottinghamshire County Council
A Place to Call Our Own
Hardwick House School
Speech & Language UK Services
Kedleston Wings Education
Silver Linings Education
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


Nottinghamshire County Council (the Council) is seeking to add further Independent non-maintained Special Schools (INMSS) to a new Framework Agreement under which the Council are looking to commission INMSS and Post-16 (where the provision is delivered in house by the school) provision of specialist school placements for pupils who are not attending mainstream or maintained special schools and who have an Education Health Care (EHC) Plan. This will replace the current Independent / non-maintained special schools Approved Provider List for Nottinghamshire (NAPL). All Providers currently delivering or intending to deliver services detailed within the updated Specification (Part 4 – Specification) must apply to be on the new Framework Agreement as the current provider list (NAPL) will come to an end on the 31st of December 2024. This initial phase of the framework will have two lots under which the Council can make specialist school placements (See paragraph 5 below for further details). In Lot 1 commissioners will put in place block contracts with providers and Lot 2 will see the establishment of an approved INMSS provider list This process is the reopening of the framework for new providers to bid to join the new INMSS framework and is the second tender round. Under the first tender round DN694393, no contracts were awarded under Lot 1, however a number of providers were successful in being accepted onto the INMSS Approved Provider List. Providers who have already been successful in round 1 for Lot 2 (INMSS Approved Provider List) of the Framework Agreement DO NOT need to bid for Lot 2 in this round 2. However, these Providers may wish to consider applying for a block contract and therefore will need to apply to Lot 1 in this tender round. Any providers who were unsuccessful in the previous tender round (1) for either Lot 1 or Lot 2 can reapply in this tender round (2) The establishment of a framework agreement for INMSS is the first phase of the recommissioning of the Specialist Education provision for the Council as set out in the Vision document (Part 3 – Vision document). Ultimately the framework will be extended to include Alternative Education Provision and Post-16 institutions (e.g., further education colleges that are not part of the INMSS), that will be the second/third phases of the recommissioning project and new procurement processes will be run at later dates which are yet to be decided

Lot Division

1 Independent Non-Maintained Special School Block Arrangement

Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) 'the Council' ran an open tender process in accordance with the light touch regime of the Public Procurement regulations 2015 to establish a new framework for Specialist Education. Under this lot the Council is looking to commission block contracts, known as “call-offs” from the Framework Agreement in each of the Nottinghamshire districts. The Block contracts will start from the beginning of the new school academic year commencing from September 2025 or as soon as possible from the start of the new school academic year if new buildings are to be put in place or existing buildings to be expanded upon or refurbished. Please note that all provision must be in place and the service to start within 24 months of the contract commencement date. A mobilisation plan for the implementation of the new provision must be agreed between the provider and the commissioning team. Bidders must specify which areas they are bidding to operate in. The areas known as districts/boroughs are as follows: Sub Lot Area A Ashfield B Bassetlaw C Broxtowe D Gedling E Mansfield F Newark and Sherwood G Rushcliffe Up to a maximum of two block contracts will be awarded per district. This means that two single providers can be awarded one contract each in a district, a provider cannot hold two block contracts in a district. Dependent on demand for specialist school places only one block contract per area may be awarded. Providers can bid on as many locations as they wish to provide a service in, however no single provider will be awarded a block contract in 4 or more of the districts/boroughs The term of the framework agreement will be for a period of 5 years and will commence from 01 January 2025 to the 31 December 2029. The earliest date “call-off” contracts can commence under Lot 1 is the 1st of January 2025. There is potential to extend this Framework Agreement for up to a further 6 years in increments of 24 months The tender was published on https://www.eastmidstenders.org/: Reference DN719545 Additional information: There are three optional extensions to the framework agreement each of 24 months, a total of 6 years. The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement In the case of framework agreements, provide justification for any duration exceeding 4 years: The initial term of the framework agreement is for five years and will end on the 31st December 2029. There is potential to extend this Framework Agreement for up to a further six years in increments of twenty four months. This process is a competitive procurement conducted in accordance with the Light Touch Regime Regulations 74 to 77 of the Public Procurement Regulations 2015, the subject matter is Specialist Education for children and young people with special education needs who have an Education Health Care Plan and the extended duration of the Framework Agreement is justified due to the type of service being sourced and the nature of the market. This is to ensure continuity in the provision of specialist education school places for the children and young people and to minimise disruption to the children and young people.

Award Criteria
Service Delivery 30
Resilient Workforce 10
Service Improvement 10
Physical and Sensory Environment 10
Preparing for Adulthood and Transitions 10
Social Value 10
Implementation 10
Changes in Provision 10
Contact Hours 50
Direct Staff Ratio 50
2 Approved INMSS Provider List

Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) 'the Council' ran an open tender process in accordance with the light touch regime of the Public Procurement regulations 2015 to establish a new framework for Specialist Education. This lot will see the establishment of a new approved INMSS provider list for placements that replaces the current Independent / non-maintained special schools Approved Provider List for Nottinghamshire (NAPL). This provider list will be effective from the 1st of January 2025 ** from which placements can be commissioned. **Note due to the limited number of bids in Round 1, the start date of the framework was put back to the 1st January 2025 from the 1st April 2024 Bidders that are successful in demonstrating that they are able to meet the Council’ standards, as set out in the service specification, will be added to the Approved INMSS Provider List and will be subsequently invited to offer places that match the needs of the children and young people. The term of the framework agreement will be for a period of 5 years and will commence from 01 January 2025 to the 31 December 2029. There is potential to extend this Framework Agreement for up to a further 6 years in increments of 24 months. The tender was published on https://www.eastmidstenders.org/: Reference DN719545 Additional information: There are three optional extensions to the framework agreement each of 24 months, a total of 6 years. The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement In the case of framework agreements, provide justification for any duration exceeding 4 years: The initial term of the framework agreement is for five years and will end on the 31st December 2029. There is potential to extend this Framework Agreement for up to a further six years in increments of twenty four months. This process is a competitive procurement conducted in accordance with the Light Touch Regime Regulations 74 to 77 of the Public Procurement Regulations 2015, the subject matter is Specialist Education for children and young people with special education needs who have an Education Health Care Plan and the extended duration of the Framework Agreement is justified due to the type of service being sourced and the nature of the market. This is to ensure continuity in the provision of specialist education school places for the children and young people and to minimise disruption to the children and young people

Award Criteria
Service Delivery 30
Resilient Workforce 10
Service Improvement 10
Physical and Sensory Environment 10
Preparing for Adulthood and Transitions 10
Social Value 10
Response to referrals 20
price 0

Award Detail

1 A Place to Call Our Own (Nottinghamshire)
  • Approved INMSS Provider List
  • Reference: 002657-2025-dn719545-2
  • Value: £134,500,000
2 Hardwick House School (Loughborough)
  • Approved INMSS Provider List
  • Reference: 002657-2025-dn719545-3
  • Value: £134,500,000
3 Speech & Language UK Services (Mansfield)
  • Approved INMSS Provider List
  • Reference: 002657-2025-dn719545-4
  • Value: £134,500,000
4 Kedleston Wings Education (Uxbridge)
  • Approved INMSS Provider List
  • Reference: 002657-2025-dn719545-5
  • Value: £134,500,000
5 Silver Linings Education (Nottingham)
  • Approved INMSS Provider List
  • Reference: 002657-2025-dn719545-6
  • Value: £134,500,000

CPV Codes

  • 80000000 - Education and training services


  • Options are available.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

