G7 Cornwall Airport Newquay - Package Foul Pumping station (Design, supply and install)

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Works)
1.5 year
14 Jun 2021
12 Jul 2021 to 30 Jul 2021
25 Jun 2021 15:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


G7 Cornwall Airport Newquay Package Foul Pumping Station (Design, Supply & Install) Description orserv on behalf on Cormac Solutions Ltd are seeking to appoint a suitably experienced contractor to carry out the following works: *Full Scope of Works: G7 Cornwall Airport, Newquay 1 - Description of Subcontract Works package - Package Foul Pumping station (Design, supply and install) NEC3 ECS Option A lump sum Activity Schedule price required The scope of works associated with Cornwall Airport Newquay, G7 Package FPS. The design, supply and install of a Package Foul Pumping Station (PS1) that meets the requirements of the Performance Specification. Note - The design for PS1 will need to fit within existing wet well chamber that has been constructed from precast manhole rings and has been used as a temporary storage chamber fed from the gravity mains. This is shown on the as-built information for the wet well chamber as issued with this price enquiry. The Main Contractor will drain and clean this chamber to allow the subcontractor to bench and install the package Pump station. Work included in this subcontract : 1 Design of Package foul pumping station in accordance with the Performance Specification but to be accommodated within the existing as built wet well - i) issue proposed MEICA design drawings/specifications to Contractor for approval ii) CDM Regs and performing all duties relevant as a designer iii) Issue of control kiosk arrangement drawing and base slab ducting entry requirements 2 Modifications and benching, as required of existing wet well manhole to accommodate the package pumping station 3 Delivery to site and install of package pumping station within the existing wet well chamber on site 4 All required testing and commissioning of Package FPS as required by guidance provided in Design and Construction Guidance for foul and surface water sewers offered for adoption (DCG) and Civil Engineering Specification for the Water Industry (CESWI) 7th Edition and attendance/handover to Contractor and Employer/Client 5 Connections from kiosk to Package foul pumping station Work not included in this subcontract: Rising Main (by Others) Gravity main (by Others) Provision of power - trenching, ducting, cabling (by Others) Provision of concrete hardstanding areas (by Others) The Subcontractors attention is drawn to the Main Contract / Subcontract Works Information as detailed in the Subcontract Data part 1. Key clauses to flag up here - 9.4d Final clean up 9.4e Defect correction Works within a live airport The intention is to award the contract to the most economically advantageous tenderer based on 100% Price.

CPV Codes

  • 45000000 - Construction work


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

