NHS England (Midlands) Expressions of interest for Integrated Healthcare Services at Clayfields Secure Children’s Unit and Lincolnshire Secure Children’s Unit

A Prior Information Notice

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Future Contract (Services)
not specified
12 Apr 2022
not specified




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Arden and Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit, acting on behalf of NHS England (Midlands) (the Commissioner) invites expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced providers to provide Integrated Healthcare Services (IHS) to the children and young people residing within Clayfields House and Lincolnshire Secure Unit. NHS England will be the contracting and commissioning authority for IHS. Since the service provision requirements at both units are similar and share common service specification, performance framework and service objectives it is the intention of the commissioners to procure the services at the same time.

Total Quantity or Scope

The service provision will cater for all children and young people who reside within the Units and fulfil their regular healthcare needs. The current healthcare contracts will end on the 31st March 2023 and as a result the successful providers are expected to be fully operational, providing services from the 1st April 2023. The service providers will be required to deliver an outcome based high quality integrated healthcare service to include provision of the following services and coordination amongst them: General Practice, Nursing, Mental Health, Substance Misuse (clinical and psychological), Health Promotion and Sexual Health. The Commissioner encourages innovation and use of technology within service delivery. They are seeking patient centred solutions for the provision of this service with the following aims: • Deliver a high-quality care which is flexible and meets the varying patient needs within both units • Find a provider who can work effectively and in partnership with the Secure Units within a secure setting • Establish contracts for services that have been market tested to represent best clinical quality. NHS England is seeking expressions of interest from providers who may be interested in tendering for the service. Please note that an expression of interest in this questionnaire will not automatically entitle Providers to any involvement in any future procurement exercise. Any procurement conducted as a result of this event will be advertised separately and all Providers wanting to participate will need to respond to the procurement advertisement as and when it may be published. Due to forthcoming national changes, NHS England are currently unable to give details on the contract length.

CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services


Other Information

If you wish to express an interest please register on the EU Supply website https://uk.eu-supply.com/login.asp?B=UK . The project reference is 52089. Please complete and submit the questionnaire. Please note that this expression of interest has been designed to allow the market visibility of the proposed opportunity and support engagement. An engagement exercise was completed by the Commissioner in 2020 however, the Commissioner has taken a decision to re-run expressions of interest to better understand current market landscape. The aim of this Expression of Interest is to; 1. Allow the market visibility of the proposed opportunity; 2. To inform NHS England’s decision making process for the future of Integrated Healthcare Services for children and young people with complex needs who reside at Secure Children’s Centres 3. To help refine the future commissioning and procurement approach and; 4. To gauge the level of interest from the market of capable providers with capacity to deliver maintain and strengthen services as illustrated above. If you wish to express an interest please register on the EU Supply Portal. The EU supply link is https://uk.eu-supply.com/login.asp?B=UK ref ID no. 52089. The closing deadline for Expressions of Interest is 5pm on 29th April. Once registered please complete the questionnaire which asks providers to give details about your organisation's name and postal address, email address, contact name and number along with your capability and experience of delivering a similar service to the one summarised above. Any procurement conducted as a result of this notice will be advertised separately and all organisations wanting to participate will need to respond to the procurement advertisement as and when it is published. Arden and GEM CSU welcomes and appreciates your organisation’s effort for registering interest to participate within the procurement exercise related to this PIN notice but wishes to stress that your involvement at this stage will not carry any commercial advantage in any ensuing procurement process.

