NHSE/I - HSCNA and EHIA programme for Health and Justice in the South East (MEE)

A Prior Information Notice

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Future Contract (Services)
not specified
23 May 2022
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


This notice is placed as a Prior Information Notice in relation to a pre-procurement market engagement event.NHS England and NHS Improvement South (South East) (the Commissioner) invites expressions of interest (EOI) from suitably qualified and experienced providers, to provide a Health & Social Care Needs Assessments (HSCNAs) (Previously known as HNAs) and Equality and Health Inequalities Impact Assessments (EHIAs) for the commissioning of healthcare provision into Health and Justice services across the South East (establishments listed below in Appendix 1). NHSE/I intend to let contracts that cover groups of HSCNAs and EHIAs, and expect to publish contract notices for these opportunities in two phases, each split into several lots to group Health and Justice services appropriately. Group 1 has an indicative publication date of August 2022 and Group 2 is likely to be issued in early 2023. Also attached is a provisional list of groups (subject to change).

Total Quantity or Scope

HSCNA is a systematic method for reviewing the health and social care issues facing a population, leading to agreed priorities and resource allocation that will improve health and reduce inequalities (NICE, 2005). HSCNAs play an important part in guiding an organisation in effectively balancing their efforts in achieving the goals and objectives specific to their strategic direction alongside the government policy and direction of the time. The provider will be expected to deliver (as a minimum):• A description of the population at the relevant establishment including information and detail about the cohort demographics, as applicable • A description of the current health provision for patients and wider health promotion activity; this will include direct reference to hours of operation; utilisation of service offers; nature of service delivery. • An investigation of the full range of health needs and report on the epidemiology of health problems experienced by patients compared to the general population and also to patients in other similar secure settings• A detailed report on the demand for prescribed medication, including: types of medication; level of demand. • A gap analysis between current service provisions, needs of the population, best practice, effective interventions and national care standards.• Service User feedback to hear the views of patients who use healthcare and try and understand any barriers of unmet need. • Identify and report on organisational barriers to the delivery of current/proposed models of care. • Formulate recommendations for existing pathway improvements and opportunities for onsite care to reduce the need for external appointments• To obtain user and staff perceptions on current service provision and how services can be improved, and explore and report on the attitudes towards the delivery and effectiveness of healthcare in each setting through interviews with staff, service users, internal/external service providers and where possible carers, families and advocates• To use robust research methodology, including statistical modelling and analysis to compare the health of those in secure settings with sensible comparator groups in the community and in other establishments• A report on the equality of healthcare services access and provision in relation to the core equality strands (e.g. race, disability, age, religion and sexual orientation) and complete an Equality Impact Assessment; include specific reference to the utilisation of mental health provision by Black, Asian, Minority and Ethnic (BAME) groups.• To make recommendations on future service developments.• Review the staffing profile against need, business continuity, recruitment and retention and resources.

CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services


Other Information

Those interested in attending the MEE should express their interest through Atamis by Midday on 13/06/2022, by completing the online market engagement questionnaire. The market engagement event will take place virtually on 17/06/2022, 11am-12pm.Further details of the event, including joining instructions, will be provided once the PIN has closed, to those providers who express an interest. The EHIA will assess the equality of healthcare service delivery within a secure estate and identify which groups are disadvantaged as well providing actions to improve service delivery for those groups. The provider will be expected to (as a minimum):• Complete a scoping of the services considered within the assessment and to include all health care provision that is contracted by NHS England and Improvement• review the 9 protected characteristics under the Equality Act and assess their relevance to the general duty in the context of each establishment• Identify the profile of health care beneficiaries across all services• Identify levels of proportionate representation in services and hence identify under representation and over representation• Identify areas of service provision where there are clear inequalities• compare profiles of health care needs in the community and where feasible compare these to the prison context• engage where feasible with representatives of key equality groups to identify their views and perceptions of health care provision.• Set the context and scope of the equality impact assessment in each establishment• Work with residential, offender management, safer custody, equalities, education, healthcare and the chaplaincy service to enhance the understanding of the equality and diversity profile of residents in each establishment• Undertake desk research and data analysis pertinent to the EHIA/s• Collect data including the equalities profile of:o Primary care services, general practice, nurse led clinics, major conditions, Long Term Conditions (LTCs), palliative and end of life care, dentistry, opticians, inpatients, screening and immunisation, sexual health, escorting and bed watch, health champions, health promotiono Substance misuse services including a break down, where feasible, of clinical and nonclinical service users, (a breakdown and profile of Multidisciplinary Teams (MDTs), and finds)o Mental health services, depression, anxiety, PD, severe and enduring mental healtho Social care, including provision of care packages and adjustments/equipment• Assess and evaluate the needs of different protected characteristics in the context of all servicesThis process is being managed by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioners. NHSE/I South East will not be liable for costs incurred by any interested party in participating in this exercise. This notice is an information gathering exercise rather than a call for competition in its own right, and therefore publication or response does not commit NHSE/I South East or respondents to a future procurement, nor provide any process exemptions or preferential treatment to any parties expressing an interest. The services are deemed to be subject to the full regime of current European Union (EU) procurement legislation and as such this tender will be conducted in accordance with, and governed by, the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. This contract will therefore be awarded in accordance with the provisions applicable in Section 5 (sub-section 7) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.

