Evidence review on the sensitivity of saltmarsh to nutrients

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
4 month
20 Oct 2022
21 Nov 2022 to 24 Mar 2023
11 Nov 2022 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


The aim of this evidence review is to collate the evidence on the response of saltmarsh to changing nutrient concentrations in estuarine ecosystems and further our understanding on how these relationships are affected by other environmental and ecological factors. There is evidence to suggest that saltmarsh habitats are sensitive to nutrient enrichment. These habitats provide many ecosystem services and are either designated feature, sub-feature or supporting habitat in most estuarine and coastal MPAs. One of the main pressures causing the decline of these key habitats is nutrient enrichment, usually though smothering by opportunistic macroalgae, or via changes in the root structure of the saltmarsh itself. Eutrophication has also been known to impact saltmarsh indirectly through increase in dominance/productivity of upper species such as Sea Couch, creating species-poor monocultures of grass species. In order to manage MPAs, and give appropriate advice, it is important for Natural England to understand the nutrient and water quality conditions that will lead to the favourable condition of saltmarsh habitats. This will enable conservation targets to be ecologically relevant and applied at the appropriate scale.

CPV Codes

  • 73110000 - Research services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Quotations and proposals for completing the work should be submitted as detailed in the Request for Quotation Document. Questions on the process or regarding the project may be submitted via email by the 4th November, and the closing date for submissions to rebecca.deleij@naturalengland.org.uk is 12 noon Friday 11th November. Please consider Natural England's example terms and conditions before submitting a quote. As this is a request for competitive quotes, the value of the contract will not be disclosed, procurement will be managed by Natural England in line with our Financial Scheme of Delegation section E https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/natural-england-financial-schedule-of... RFQ Document RFQ_Evidence review on the sensitivity of saltmarsh to nutrients_Ref NECA22B.pdf Requirements for tender bid RFQ_Evidence review on the sensitivity of saltmarsh to nutrients_Ref NECA22B_Requirements for Tender Bid - to be completed.docx Example T&Cs Example T&Cs.docx

