Supply of RF Test Enclosure (Shield Test Box)

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Products)
1 month
02 Feb 2023
27 Feb 2023 to 31 Mar 2023
17 Feb 2023 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


Supply of 1 no. RF Test Enclosure (table top model). Minimum technical specification: # 120dB RF Isolation # Minimum internal dimensions of 750mm x 750mm x 750mm # Maximum external dimensions of 900mm x 900mm x 900mm

CPV Codes

  • 38433200 - Emission measurement equipment


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Interested parties should submit the following by email to the contact details provided in this notice no later than the end date detailed. All instructions on how to submit a tender are detailed and available to download within the documents attached to this Notice. 1) Firm, fixed quotation in £ sterling, with an estimated leadtime for delivery. Any and all charges to be clearly shown. 2) A detailed specification for the equipment and software (note that the Authority will not accept responses for part of the equipment).. 3) Your bank and payment details on letter headed paper. 4) A signed copy of our Ethics Policy (attached). 6) A signed copy of the Form of Agreement. 7) All responses will be deemed to be issued subject to the Authority's Standard Terms and Conditions (attached). Caveats to these Terms will not be accepted. 8) The Authority will evaluate all responses in accordance with the attached model evaluation model. The lowest cost supplier who offers an acceptable Leadtime and meets the minimum specification will be deemed successful, subject to contract. 9) The Authority reserve the right not to award a contract following the completion of this tender exercise. 10) All responses and or questions to the contact shown below. Form of Agreement. Bidders should sign in the yellow highlighted area and return to the Authority with their tender proposal. 170920_FORM_OF_AGREEMENT.docx Ethics Policy Statement. Bidders are required to sign and return as part of their tender proposal Ethics Policy Statement.docx Example of the evaluation model. FOR INFORMATION ONLY. Evaluation Sheet - Master - BST (1).xlsx A copy of the Authority Terms and Conditions. For Bidders information only 03 Template for Goods and Services - Purchase Order.docx

