| Network Services 3 Award Notice for Lot 1a, Lot 1b, Lot 2a, Lot 3a, Lot 3b,… | Liverpool | £6B |
| Network Services 3 for Lot 1a, Lot 1b, Lot 2a, Lot 3a, Lot 3b, Lot 4a,… | Liverpool | £6B |
| Flexible Mains Gas, Electricity and Related Services | London | £6B |
| Bristol City Council - Adult Social Care Single Framework Pre-Tender Provider Event | Bristol | £2B |
| Commercial Office Investment Portfolio Joint Venture | London | £1B |
| Insourcing of Clinical Support Services | Hemel Hempstead | £800M |
| Software Products and Associated Services | West Malling | £800M |
| Regional Heating | Belfast | £604M |
| Older Persons Residential Care, Nursing Care and Respite Care Services | Maidstone | £600M |
| Goods and Services to Drive Social Impact and Improvement | Bedford | £500M |
| Immersive, Simulation and Related Technologies Dynamic Purchasing System | London | £500M |
| Plant Machinery, Grounds Maintenance and Site Equipment and Handheld Tools | West Malling | £500M |
| Neuromodulation Devices & Associated Products | London | £457M |
| Products for the Treatment of Bleeding Disorders Including Haemophilia B | Runcorn | £446M |
| NHS National Generic Pharmaceuticals Wave 14b | Runcorn | £428M |
| Eastern Highways Alliance Framework 4 | Shefford | £400M |
| Planned Internal and External Refurbishment Works Programme | London | £340M |
| Products for the Treatment of Haemophilia A | Runcorn | £313M |
| Children and Young People Mental Health Early Intervention Hubs | London | £310M |
| Bradford and District Residential and Nursing Care Homes Provider List | Bradford | £300M |
| Cambridgeshire County Council Home and Community Support Services DPS (Including Cambridgeshire and Peterborough) - Previously | Huntingdon | £300M |
| Technology Enabled Lives Framework - 23-27 | Sunderland | £300M |
| NHS North of England Branded Medicines - Annual Tranche March | Runcorn | £296M |
| Residential and Nursing Care Home Services | Stafford | £275M |
| Camera Framework | Nottingham | £250M |
| Decarbonisation Retro-Fit Framework (Including Refurbishment Works) Scotland & Northern Ireland | Newcastle upon Tyne | £250M |
| NHS South of England Branded Medicines - Tranche A - September | Runcorn | £250M |
| Consultancy Solutions and Advisory Services | Birmingham | £200M |
| Electricity and Electricity Related Services | Manchester | £200M |
| SCC JD Hard FM Services | Surrey | £200M |
| WCC - Property Maintenance - Building, Mechanical & Electrical | Warwick | £200M |
| NHS Midlands and East Branded Medicines - Annual Tranche March | Runcorn | £197M |
| Intention to Modify a Waste Disposal Services | Exeter | £195M |
| Provider List for Supported Living Services in the Bradford District | Bradford | £180M |
| Child Weight Management Programme | Wembley | £175M |
| TV Licensing Postal Services | London | £158M |
| Community Accommodation Service Tier 3 (CAS3) | London | £153M |
| Security Surveillance Equipment and Services | Leicester | £150M |
| Transportation of Pupils Using Public Transport | Belfast | £150M |
| Defence Digital End User Services at Secret (EUS(S Notice | Corsham | £137M |
| Wiltshire Council Is Looking for 8 Contracts (Lots) For: Disabled Adaptions, Windows and External Doors, Mechanical… | Trowbridge | £131M |
| Hard FM Services to Its Property Portfolio, Through a Procurement Exercise. This Will Be One of… | Reigate | £130M |
| RBK Household Waste and Recycling Collection, Street Cleansing and Winter Gritting Services | Kingston upon Thames | £128M |
| Cornwall Community Equipment Loan Service (CELS) | Truro | £126M |
| Housing Responsive Repairs and Voids | Croydon | £126M |
| Products for the Management of Hereditary Angioedema | Runcorn | £125M |
| Southern Water Services Power Framework | Worthing | £120M |
| TfL Fire Systems (Rail) Maintenance Services | London | £110M |
| NHS North of England Branded Medicines - Tranche B - March | Runcorn | £108M |
| Artificial Intelligence Solutions | Birmingham | £100M |
| LB Havering Complex Placements Framework - Round 31 | Romford | £100M |
| RECAP Dry Mixed Recyclate | Huntingdon | £99M |
| Access Services and Insulation (ASI) | Workington | £95M |
| Access Services & Insulation (ASI) | Seascale | £95M |
| Skills and Employment Life Opportunities - Lot 1A for Adults With Learning Disabilities and/or Autism | Norwich | £95M |
| All Age Substance Misuse Services | Lincoln | £90M |
| Consultancy Solutions and Advisory Services | Birmingham | £90M |
| Provider Panel for Day Service | Durham | £90M |
| Saltfleet to Gibraltar Point – Coastal Asset Management (Lot 1 – Beach Nourishment) | London | £90M |
| Finance, Benefits and Debt in-Custody & Community Services - South West | London | £85M |
| Market Engagement for Library Services | Ipswich | £82M |
| Technologies for Independent Living: Telecare, Telehealth Framework | Warrington | £80M |
| Property Maintenance - Building, Mechanical & Electrical | Warwick | £76M |
| Invitation to Join the National Highways Social Enterprise Dynamic Purchasing System (SEDPS) | Birmingham | £65M |
| Mobile Security Services in Ukraine | Loondon | £60M |
| Statutory Audit and Multi-Specialty Audit & Advisory Consultancy Services | Fulbourn | £60M |
| Statutory & Multi-Specialty Audit Services & Advisory Consultancy Serv | Fulbourn | £60M |
| Gloucestershire County Council - Children and Family Centres | Gloucester | £56M |
| NHS National Proprietary Pharmaceuticals - Natalizumab Injection | Runcorn | £55M |
| Integrated Micromobility Service (IMS) | Bristol | £53M |
| Custody Healthcare - 6 Forces | Martlesham Heath | £51M |
| FSNI Project Atlas | Belfast | £50M |
| KCC Non-Maintained and Independent Special Schools (NMISS) Placement Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) | Maidstone | £50M |
| SCC JD Soft FM Services Updated | Reigate | £50M |
| Media Planning, Buying and Associated Services | Edinburgh | £49M |
| DAM Data Management | London | £48M |
| Meals on Wheels | Winchester | £47M |
| Meals on Wheels Service | Winchester | £47M |
| Services for Global Mine Action Programme 3 (GMAP3) - Multi-Country | London | £42M |
| Heating Servicing, Repair and Replacement | Croydon | £42M |
| Project Zodiac MVP Prototype Notice | Bristol | £41M |
| C1 Road Maintenance and Minor Civil Engineering Works Up to 1,500,000 GBP in Value | Glenrothes | £40M |
| Wheelchair Service | Maidstone | £40M |
| NHS Midlands and East Branded Medicines - Tranche A - March | Runcorn | £40M |
| Wheelchair Service | Maidstone | £39M |
| Tech Track | London | £38M |
| Bradford District Heat Network | Bradford | £35M |
| Governance and Climate | London | £30M |
| Managed Service for Lane Fox Respiratory Satellite Unit | London | £30M |
| Security Surveillance Equipment and Services | Leicester | £30M |
| Services for Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse and Violence Against Women and Girls | Nottingham | £30M |
| Soft FM Services to Its Property Portfolio, Through a Procurement Exercise. This Will Be One of… | Reigate | £30M |
| Application Maintenance and Support Services for Defra Application Estate | London | £28M |
| SLC Training and Employability Framework | Hamilton | £28M |
| WHC - Barnfield Campus Phase 2 and 3 Works | Watford | £28M |
| WHC – Barnfield Campus Phase 2 and 3 Works | Watford | £26M |
| Croydon New Build Social Housing Sites | Hove | £25M |
| Road Transport Services for Radioactive Waste (DPS Registration) | Calderbridge | £25M |
| Technologies for Independent Living: Telecare, Telehealth Framework | Warrington | £25M |
| Extra Care Supported Housing | London | £24M |