Talent Attraction and Migration Service

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
29 month (est.)
22 Dec 2023
01 Nov 2023 to 31 Mar 2026 (est.)




Geochart for 2 buyers and 2 suppliers

2 buyers

2 suppliers


Moving to another country can be challenging. The Scottish Government wants people not only to move to Scotland, but to stay. Migrants’ first few months here and their reception are crucial to their overall experience. The service will provide information and advice to people who are thinking about moving to Scotland, or who have just moved here. TAMS will provide up-to-date and accurate information in plain English. This information will cover topics to help people move and settle into their communities. The service will provide bespoke one-to-one advice.

Lot Division

1 Immigration support for employers

Many employers in Scotland face skills shortages. The ending of free movement has made it harder for employers to get the talent they need. The UK’s immigration system is complex and bureaucratic. Employers require good quality advice and information to help them navigate the system. Our discovery work to date suggests that employers’ immigration needs are best met through three tiers of support. Tier one will be a universal offer, available to everyone, and will include the provision of up-to-date and accurate immigration information in plain English. Tier two support will be a ‘one to many’ offer. It will assist employers who are actively seeking to recruit talent to Scotland. Tier three support will entail one-to-one advice for employers whose needs are not met through the first two tiers. The supplier will be responsible for organising, hosting and delivering advice sessions.

2 Reception support for people moving to Scotland

People face challenges when moving to another country. The Scottish Government want people not only to move to Scotland, but to stay. People need good quality information to plan and execute their move. People’s first few months in Scotland and their reception is crucial to their overall experience. We therefore seek a supplier that will provide information and advice to people who have decided to move to Scotland, or who have just moved here. Our discovery work suggests that people’s reception needs are best met through two tiers of support. Tier 1 support will be up-to-date and accurate information about moving to Scotland in plain English. Tier 2 support will be one-to-one advice to people in the UK. The supplier will be responsible for organising, hosting and delivering the advice sessions.

Award Detail

1 Seraphus (London)
  • Lot 1 - Immigration support for employers
  • Num offers: 8
  • Value: £1,750,000
  • Contractor is an SME.
2 Citizens Advice Scotland (Edinburgh)
  • Lot 2 - Reception support for people moving to Scotland
  • Num offers: 9
  • Value: £1,150,000
  • Contractor is an SME.

Award Criteria

Quality 80.0
PRICE 20.0

CPV Codes

  • 79100000 - Legal services
  • 79110000 - Legal advisory and representation services
  • 79140000 - Legal advisory and information services
  • 79111000 - Legal advisory services


  • Award on basis of price.

Other Information

(SC Ref:754120)

