Customer Surveys

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
5 year (est.)
06 Mar 2024
To 06 Mar 2029 (est.)




Geochart for 2 buyers and 1 suppliers

2 buyers

1 supplier


The Guinness Partnership Limited (Guinness) is one of the largest providers of affordable housing and care services in England. We build and manage homes and provide housing services for around 140,000 customers. Guinness are conducting a procurement process to appoint a provider to conduct customer surveys on our behalf. The contract will be for a period of three years with an option to extend for a further two years subject to performance and value for money. The surveys will include circa 700 transactional surveys to be conducted by email on a daily or weekly basis and circa 700 surveys in accordance with the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) set by the Regulator and a smaller number of other surveys covering general perceptions of Guinness. These are to be conducted by telephone. The surveys play an important role in helping us measure our effectiveness in delivering quality customer service and high customer satisfaction levels. They help us to identify the areas for improvement and shape our strategy to evolve and strengthen our service model.

Total Quantity or Scope

The Tenant Satisfaction Measures are required by the Regulator and it is essential that these are completed on time, to the required volumes, and among a representative sample of customers. Suppliers will be expected to demonstrate their understanding of these measures. Our surveys provide our main company Key Performance Indicator for satisfaction, and we undertake more surveys than required by the Regulator to ensure we have a reasonably robust sample size for regional analysis. We run transactional surveys following the completion of certain tasks with the customer (for example, a completed repair, Customer Support case, accounts case, etc.) The purpose of these is less about measurement and more about quickly identifying cases where the customer still thinks the matter is unresolved. The provider will be expected to have a portal to report the results of the surveys in real time. Full details of the required functionality can be found in the Procurement Documents.

Award Detail

1 Leadership Factor (Huddersfield)
  • Customer Surveys
  • Num offers: 7
  • Value: £723,000
  • Contractor is an SME.

Renewal Options

The initial term is for three years. Subject to performance and vale for money, the contract may be extended by two further periods of 12 months.

Award Criteria

Experience 10.0
Knowledge 10.0
Service Delivery 15.0
Account Management 6.0
Training, development & support 4.0
Technology, systems & reporting 10.0
Systems & processes 2.0
Diversity & inclusion: Policies 2.0
Diversity & inclusion: Anti-Racism 1.0
PRICE 40.0

CPV Codes

  • 79311000 - Survey services


  • Options are available.
  • Award on basis of price.

