Housing First - Dorset Integrated Prevention Partnership Support Services - Further competition - Lot 19

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
2 year
09 Aug 2024
01 Oct 2024 to 30 Sep 2026
05 Jun 2024 08:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers


Project Scope: The aim of this procurement is to recommission the Housing First element of the Dorset Integrated Prevention Partnership Support Services (DIPPS) which seek to prevent, reduce and delay need. Contract Term The contract is over a 2-year initial term, with optional extensions of 1 year + 1 year. Service to be delivered 1. The aim of the service is to provide flexible support for as long as it is needed. The provider will support an active caseload of up to 14 people, with the ability to "step down" cases. In line with Homeless Link's Housing First Principles Support Workers should manage a caseload of approximately 5-7 each at any one time. Within this, we expect the provider to manage their caseload alongside stepdown clients. 2. Sourcing suitable accommodation for the individual: • The preferred option is for dispersed housing away from areas of antisocial behaviour. However, shared accommodation can be considered for those who do not wish to live alone. • Accommodation may include Private Rented Sector property and Social Housing • Accommodation may be outside the Dorset Council area if the support service is still able to provide support. Further funding is not available for additional travel costs. • Support people to find new accommodation should they lose or leave their home. 3. The Council will continue to have a role in supporting sourcing units of accommodation. 4. Intensive, flexible, wrap-around support: • Act as navigators, supporting people to access and engage with existing mainstream services when the client is ready. • Innovative informal person-centred support planning with individuals moving away from targets and timeframes unless at the request of the individual. • Open ended support for the duration of the contract with individuals remaining on the caseload. • Providers should empower clients to independently manage their recovery where possible, so may 'step-down' support if clients are ready for less intensive, frequent support. However, as per the Housing First Principle for support to be available for as long as a client needs it, the provider should be prepared to 'step up' support again if needed • Support people to make their property a home by potentially accessing emergency furnishings including white goods. • Support people to access all relevant benefits. The service will be expected to work in partnership with the existing DIPPS providers to make the model work as a seamless service experience. Price Tenderers to bid within a range of between £110,000 and £125,000 per annum. There are elements within the service, such as individual budgets, which providers can be creative with and decide how they wish to distribute the funding.

Award Detail

1 Shelter the National Campaign for Homeless People (London)
  • Value: £484,275

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

