Provision of Secure Offsite Storage and Management of Records

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
4 year (est.)
02 Sep 2024
To 02 Sep 2028 (est.)




Geochart for 2 buyers and 1 suppliers

2 buyers

1 supplier


The Authority is seeking a Single Supplier to apply appropriate processes for the secure collection/retrieval of boxed records and the indexing, intellectual control, physical storage and disposal of the Authority`s current records and for any new records that may occur throughout the lifetime of the Contract.

Total Quantity or Scope

The appointed Contractor will be required to transfer and store all existing boxes currently held by the Authority at a single location and transfer existing management information relating to the boxes to their secure, online, cataloguing and management system. The appointed Contractor will also be required to deliver the following services throughout the term of the contract: - Store boxed records at a secure off-site location/s. - Provide a secure, online, cataloguing and management system accessible by the Authority`s staff at their place of work (remote access). - Deliver and retrieve boxed records to locations defined within the ITT. - Ensure all records are indexed and searched for at box and file level. - Ensure all records are boxed in A4 or A3 sized boxes. - Supply and deliver suitable flat packed boxes and lids for the storage of the records. - Provide management information electronically to the Authority. - Provide secure destruction of boxes to the Authority’s minimum standards. Please see attached ITT docs for full information.

Award Detail

1 Restore (Redhill)
  • Reference: proc-24-2522
  • Num offers: 2
  • Value: £632,680

Award Criteria

Quality 60.0
PRICE 40.0

CPV Codes

  • 79996100 - Records management


  • Award on basis of price.

Other Information

SPD Question 4D.1 – Quality Assurance Schemes and Environmental management standards. It is a requirement of this tenderer that Tenderers must have ISO 27001- Information Management. Tenderers are required to confirm this and demonstrate this as part of their bid. The Tenderer’s representative with overall responsibility for undertaking the works and the personnel assigned to the supply of the goods and or services shall be vetted to Non Police Personnel Vetting Standards (NPPV) Level 2 for those personnel that have access to police information. ICT administrators of the requested portal and data at rest must be vetted to Non Police Personnel Vetting Standards (NPPV) Level 3 as per the national Policing Vetting Policy. It would be beneficial if tenderer’s put forwards team that hold or have recently held NPPV Levels 2 or 3 relevant to the requirements above. Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. Tenderers may be asked to declare whether they intend to provide services through a Personal Service Company (PSC). From April 2017, the responsibility to pay employment taxes shifts from the PSC to public sector bodies and the Authority must be aware of any successful tenderer’s detailed employment status. For further information on determining employment status the Government has published guidance on this IR35 Legislation Tenderers will be asked to confirm if they pay all employees as a minimum the Real Living Wage as published by the Living Wage Foundation for statistical information gathering purposes only. Tenderers will be required to comply with the statutory obligations under the Equality Act 2010. Declaration of Non-Involvement in Serious Organised Crime Tenderers must complete and sign a Declaration of Non-Involvement in Serious Organised Crime form. Tenderers will be required to provide details of the subcontractors they intend to use in their supply chain. Tenderers are required to complete this section as part of the ESPD. Tenderers must be aware of their obligations under the Data Protection Act 2018 and the GDPR as set out in the Contract. (SC Ref:776867)

