Mechanical control of scrub at Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dune NNR

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Works)
2.5 month
24 Oct 2024
09 Dec 2024 to 28 Feb 2025
18 Nov 2024 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


Site location: Churchill south, Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes National Nature Reserve Brief Methodology c.500 metres of ground preparation through scrub clearance and for installation of a new fence line (not included in specs) by root pulling, chain sawing and burning on the brash. and 2 (ha) of steep bank copes of scrubs map available on demande. The contractor is to advise the best suitable route, and the map location is only an indication of the preferred line. When pulling the root is unsuitable due to access limitation, softening of the ground or protected species presence (badger/bat) the contractor will chainsaw and remove to burn or leave it in situ if agreed by Natural England. Pilling brash and burning in a burn pit dug by contractor at a location confirmed by NE and methodology provided at submission. The contractor is to commission an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) engineer to carry out a watching brief. The contractor must meet on the site with Natural England prior to quoting for this work The contractor will advise what is their preferred vehicular access route, vehicle must be low ground pressure. An Ecological Clerk of Work (ECoW) will be employed by the contractor for this work. Badger present in the area The work will be undertaken in a public access zone, the contractor must provide signage, bank's person at entry. Contractor to attend a site induction and sign the site rules Access ruts created by the contractor whilst on site must be rolled out and any damage to the site infrastructure replaced like for like by the end of works, subject to Delphine Suty's approval.

CPV Codes

  • 77211300 - Tree-clearing services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Conditions applying to the RFQ Contractors must meet on site before Friday 15th with NE prior to submit quotation. You should examine your response to the RFQ and related documents ensuring it is complete prior to submitting your completed quotation. Your quotation must contain sufficient information to enable the Authority to evaluate it fairly and effectively. You should ensure that you have prepared your quotation fully and accurately and that prices quoted are arithmetically correct for the units stated. The supplier by submitting a quotation is deemed to accept the terms and conditions in the RFQ. Failure to comply with the instructions set out in the RFQ may result in the supplier's exclusion from this procurement. Acceptance of Quotations By issuing this RFQ the Authority does not bind itself to accept any quotation and reserves the right not to award a contract to any supplier who submits a quotation. Costs The Authority will not reimburse you for any costs and expenses which you incur preparing and submitting your quotation, even if the Authority amends or terminates the procurement process. Mandatory Requirements The RFQ includes mandatory requirements and, if you do not comply with them, your quotation will not be evaluated. Clarifications The Authority reserves the right to discuss, confidentially, any aspect of your quotation with you prior to any award of Contract to clarify matters. Amendments The Authority may amend the RFQ at any time prior to the deadline for receipt. If it amends the RFQ the Authority will notify you in writing and may extend the deadline for receipt in order to give you a reasonable time in which to take the amendment into account. Conditions of Contract The terms and conditions attached Standard Goods and Services Terms and Conditions (see Appendix 1) will be included in any contract awarded as a result of this RFQ process. The Authority will not accept any material changes to these terms and conditions proposed by a supplier. Specification Quote evaluation criteria to be supplied and values-please supply with your quote Environmental Management, Wildlife and Natural Features @20% •Environmental impact and biosecurity evidence that your operation will minimise damage to the site. Include your refuelling methodology, your COSHH storage when one site and your welfare facilities Value -Total cost of the project exclusive of VAT @60% • Project duration • Project methodology • Having met NE staff prior to quoting reference etc: • 2 references of similar projects that you have managed • Policies/certificates: VAT registration; Public Liability Insurance. • Operator competence certificates for operating the machinery • RAM If you have any clarification questions linked to this opportunity or the procurement process please submit these via email to Please note that, unless commercially sensitive, both the question and the response will be circulated to all tenderers. Order Form NE Standard Goods & Services Terms and Conditions Clean ds.docx NE_Commercial Response basic.docx churchill map 1.pdf churchill map 2.pdf Confirmation of Site Induction.pdf Explosive Ordnance Safety Brief.pdf STNNR site Hazard.pdf RFQ NE RFQ Scrub Nov 24 (06.11.23).docx

