ICT14223 Future Bus System 2 - Bus Contract Management System

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract ()
not specified
29 Jan 2024
not specified
01 Mar 2024 23:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


TfL has the responsibility for the London Bus Service, which includes planning routes, tendering routes to bus operators, specifying service levels and ensuring service quality. As part of the Future Bus System 2 (FBS2) project, TfL is currently considering its options for the procurement of a Bus Tenders and Bus Contracts Management system that can manage the end-to-end process and facilitate efficient communication between TfL and Bus Operators, all whilst maintaining alignment with the broader TfL technology strategy and creating operational efficiencies through the use of technology (for example, removing the need for multiple data entries). As part of this process, TfL also wants to consider how any potential solution could make use of open standards to allow for integration with other TfL platforms and how it may provide flexibility to adapt during the life of any contract to ensure that the system continually meets the operational needs of TfL. To assist with this, TfL is undertaking an early market engagement exercise and invites all interested parties to participate by expressing interest in response to this Prior Information Notice, reviewing the FBS2 Market Brochure and responding to the FBS2 Market Sounding Questionnaire (MSQ). Currently, TfL manages approximately 600 bus contracts with various Bus Operators, including contracts for school services and rail replacement services. TfL delivers its objective for "maintaining and enhancing a reliable, accessible and high-quality bus network across London" by planning and specifying the bus network and contracting out the operation of the bus services to private Bus Operator's through competitive tendering processes. As part of this, Quality Incentive Contracts (QIC's) were introduced by LBSL as a direct response to rising costs and declining performance under the previous contracting regime. The QIC's are a form of gross cost contract with a payment mechanism linked to reliability in terms of bus arrivals at stops. The arrivals at stops are measured either on Headway for High Frequency Routes or Scheduled for Low Frequency Routes. For each Route LBSL sets a performance standard based on the previous performance of the route, and the route characteristics. Based on the Bus Operator's actual performance, a bonus of up to 15% or a deduction of up to 10% of the contract price may be applied depending on the measure of reliability against the performance standard figure. This is just one example of a calculation that the new Bus Tenders and Bus Contracts Management system will need to be capable of undertaking. It will be required to have significant calculation capabilities, which are further defined alongside other system requirements within the Market Brochure.

CPV Codes

  • 34121100 - Public-service buses
  • 48000000 - Software package and information systems
  • 72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

The Market Brochure has been designed to provide additional information on the FBS2 project objectives and requirements. If you are interested in taking part in the ICT4223 Future Bus Systems 2 (FBS2) market engagement exercise you can do so by sending an Expression of Interest (EOI) to SarahAnderson@tfl.gov.uk. Your EOI should include your organisation's full company name, company registration number and key contact name and email address. TfL will register your details in our SAP Ariba portal and all registered suppliers will be given access to the Market Brochure and the MSQ in due course. Unregistered suppliers will be prompted to sign up for an account. This Prior Information Notice is issued solely for the purpose of conducting a market engagement exercise and does not constitute any commitment by TfL to undertake any public procurement exercise in the future. TfL will manage the early market engagement process in an open and transparent manner to maximise the possible benefits. Direct or indirect canvassing of any Transport for London employee or agent by any supplier concerning this requirement, or any attempt to procure information from any TfL employee or agent concerning this PIN outside of the formal process described in this document may result in the disqualification of the supplier from consideration of any future procurement activity. TfL will not enter into a contract based solely on the responses to this PIN and no information contained in this document or in any communication made between TfL and any supplier in connection with this shall be relied upon as constituting a contract, agreement or representation that any contract shall be offered in accordance with this PIN. TfL is under no obligation to follow up this market engagement exercise in any way or with any interested parties. TfL is not liable for any costs, fees or expenses incurred by any party participating in this market engagement exercise. TfL cannot guarantee it will incorporate all or any feedback received into any subsequent procurement. Market Brochure and Contract Payments Doc BCMS - Market Brochure and Contract Payments.zip

