Welcome to Bidstats
Who are we?
We are reshaping the global procurement landscape by making access to public contracts easier and faster than ever before. Through our revolutionary solution, we are on track to introduce more companies into bidding in the next three years, than have done so in the last forty years combined.
By giving SMEs the tools to enter the world of public procurement, it is our goal to aid local businesses in achieving long-term stability and security, reinvigorate local communities, and to invest in employment in local areas across the globe.
Bidstats is free to use, and our members now have complete access to 9+ years' worth of historical procurement data, as well as live and available government contracts from official government sources across the UK.
Access to this volume of information is a unique opportunity for all businesses interested in public procurement as this extent of knowledge is usually one that comes with a large premium.
By allowing ease of access for all to this extensive data, it is our hope to give SMEs easy entry into working with the public sector. Winning public sector contracts are transformative opportunities for SMEs, providing stability, reliable pipelines of work, favourable payment terms, and countless other benefits.
In our acquisition of Bidstats, it is our vision to see great businesses winning the contracts they deserve, and to be a part of facilitating these businesses in doing transformative work around the globe.