Anaysis Summary: UK – Other Community Substance Misuse Services Contracts (filtered)
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Found 2 procurement notices in 2025. There are 2 unique titles.
The following chart shows the number of matched notices per month:
Buyer organisations
Top 2 buyers
Supplier organisations
Top 2 suppliers
Buyer locations
Locations of the main buyers:
Keywords Sample
Below are common keywords found in published notices. Keywords derive from allocated CPV codes.
Common phrases
Common phrases found within published text:
- rough sleepers substance misuse community outreach service
- rough sleeping
- rough sleeping none
- new behaviours
- a drug and alcohol outreach service
- entrenched drug and alcohol dependency problems
- residential rehabilitation
- substance misuse
- (provider selection regime
- the basic selection criteria
- their rehab programme
- the original contract
- the proposed contract
- direct award c.
- a drug/alcohol free life
- their dependency behaviour
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