Contract Locations: UK – Antrim Newtownabbey Borough Council Contracts
View Tenders Analysis Filters:Found 11 buyers and 30 suppliers.
(UK geochart with 5 buyer locations and 30 supplier locations.) 

Top 2 buyers
Top 29 suppliers
- Northern Ireland
- Bryson Recycling - 2
- G Force Amusements - 2
- Sunbelt Rentals - 1
- Connolly & Fee - 1
- Antrim Enterprise Agency - 1
- Arts Ekta - 1
- Balcas Timber - 1
- Balloo Hire - 1
- Carnival Promotions - 1
- Community Advice Antrim & Newtownabbey - 1
- Corrigans Vehicle Hire - 1
- DFPF - 1
- Event TECH Productions NI - 1
- Eventsec - 1
- Fit - 1
- Friendly Faces Entertainment - 1
- Gaelchúrsaí - 1
- Hanna & Hutchinson Consulting Engineers - 1
- I Am Zen - 1
- Jigsaw Farm - 1
- Kidz Farm - 1
- Mcauley Tree Surgery - 1
- Mini Explorers NI - 1
- Northern Ireland Childminding Association - 1
- West Belfast Partnership Board - 1
- Wiggle IT - 1
- Workforce Training Services - 1
- West Midlands
- ND Brown - 1
- Wales