Contract Locations: UK – Derrys Contracts
View Tenders Analysis Filters:Found 12 buyers and 61 suppliers.
(UK geochart with 5 buyer locations and 59 supplier locations.) 

Top 5 buyers
Top 59 suppliers
- Northern Ireland
- Rural Area Partnership in Derry - 3
- Kinship Care Northern Ireland - 3
- North West Cultural Parntership - 3
- Danny Wade Plant Hire - 2
- Derg Valley Care - 2
- Destined - 2
- Glen Development Initiative - 2
- Hummingbird NI CIC - 2
- North West Regional College - 2
- Shelbourne Motors - 2
- Waterside Neighbourhood Partnership - 2
- Womens Centre Derry - 1
- Johnston Gilpin - 1
- Laird Grass Machinery - 1
- PJD Safety Supplies - 1
- Mccreath Taylor NI - 1
- Strabane District Caring Services - 1
- Arts Ekta - 1
- Atlas Communications NI - 1
- Blu Zebra - 1
- Bytes Project - 1
- Carnroe Supplies - 1
- Churches Trust - 1
- Creative Surface Protection - 1
- Creggan Enterprises - 1
- Culmore Community Partnership - 1
- DFPF - 1
- Eakin Brothers - 1
- Easilink Community Transport - 1
- Extern Northern Ireland - 1
- Fit - 1
- An Gaelaras - 1
- Gaelchúrsaí - 1
- Gas Yard Wall Feile - 1
- Gasyard Development Trust - 1
- Gortilea Social Farm CIC - 1
- Greater Shantallow Area Partnership - 1
- Holywell Trust - 1
- Koram Centre Counselling Psychotherapy & Psycho Social Support - 1
- Leafair Community Association - 1
- Learmount Community Development Group - 1
- Manvik Plant & Hire - 1
- Maywe Events - 1
- Nerve Centre - 1
- Northern Ireland Childminding Association - 1
- Owenkillew Development - 1
- Rainbow Project - 1
- RPS Consulting Engineers - 1
- Ryan Mcbride Foundation - 1
- St Columbs Park Reconciliation Trust - 1
- Studio 2 Creative Enterprises CIC - 1
- Tandem Design - 1
- Tar Abhaile - 1
- Todd Architects - 1
- Tooling Engineering Distributors NI - 1
- West Belfast Partnership Board - 1
- Workforce Training Services - 1
- in Your Space Circus - 1
- Youth Action Northern Ireland - 1