Contract Locations: UK – Ipswich Borough Council Contracts (filtered)
View Tenders Analysis Filters:Found 3 buyers and 42 suppliers.
(UK geochart with 3 buyer locations and 41 supplier locations.) 

Top 3 buyers
Top 41 suppliers
- East of England
- Foster Property Maintenance - 2
- Brooks & Wood - 2
- Mixbrow Construction - 2
- JB Specialist Refurbishments - 2
- Gipping Construction - 2
- Edmundson Electrical - 1
- Ernest Doe - 1
- KBH Building Services - 1
- Seh French - 1
- Rapid Response Maintenance - 1
- Richard Jackson - 1
- Allman Woodcock - 1
- Lexden Contracts - 1
- Tesla Group - 1
- Brewers Decorator Centres - 1
- Brock FMD - 1
- Castons - 1
- Esh - 1
- Geosphere Environmental - 1
- J Boast Maintenance Services - 1
- Office Is - 1
- Plaice Design - 1
- RG Carter Ipswich - 1
- RG Carter Southern - 1
- Roger Hyde - 1
- Universal Stone - 1
- London
- Etec Contract Services - 1
- Ingleton Wood - 1
- Breyer Group - 1
- David Miles & Partners - 1
- David Miles - 1
- North West England
- West Midlands
- Ramora - 1
- Fleet Line Markers - 1
- Hillsdale Fencing - 1
- East Midlands
- Travis Perkins Trading - 1
- Freeths - 1
- South East England
- North East England