Contract Locations: East Midlands – Young Person Service Contracts
View Tenders Analysis Filters:Found 28 buyers and 126 suppliers.
(UK geochart with 23 buyer locations and 133 supplier locations.) 

Top 20 buyers
- East Midlands
- Lincolnshire County Council - 9
- Derby City Council - 9
- Leicestershire County Council - 8
- North Northamptonshire Council - 8
- Nottingham City Council - 6
- Derbyshire County Council - 5
- Qegsmat - 5
- Welland Procurement - 4
- Nottinghamshire County Council - 3
- Northamptonshire Childrens Trust - 3
- Leicester City Council - 2
- West Northamptonshire Council - 2
- Rutland County Council - 2
- NHS Leicester Leicestershire & Rutland Icb - 2
- Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust - 1
- Police Fire & Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire - 1
- PSPSL - 1
- Bassetlaw District Council - 1
- North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative - 1
- Leicester NHS Trust University Hospitals - 1
Top 100 suppliers
- East Midlands
- Beaver Childcare - 3
- Clubzone CZ - 3
- Coalville Can - 3
- Discovery Schools Academy Trust - 3
- Empwr Futsal Club - 3
- Fiesta Sports Coaching - 3
- Hinckley Club for Young People - 3
- JM Football Academy - 3
- Kidspace - 3
- Kisp - 3
- Life Multi Academy Trust - 3
- Little Gems Summer Club - 3
- ME Sports in the Community CIC - 3
- Megastrikers - 3
- Metcalf Multisports - 3
- Mollys Gift - 3
- MRC Community Action - 3
- SFK Multisports - 3
- TB Sport - 3
- Base 51 - 2
- Children First Derby - 2
- Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland - 2
- Aim Strong Sport - 2
- Clubscomplete - 2
- Football & Fitness Clubs - 2
- Hub Educational Services CIC - 2
- Leicester City in the Community - 2
- Leicester Riders Foundation - 2
- Macca Sports Academies - 2
- Melton Learning Hub - 2
- Redmile Crew Club - 2
- Super Star Sport Midland - 2
- Westfield Kids Club Westfield Cda - 2
- Daystar Care Services - 1
- Genius Tuition - 1
- Nottingham Community Housing Association - 1
- Shiloh Healthcare Services - 1
- Bright Intergrated Care - 1
- Juno Womens Aid - 1
- TRZ Care - 1
- One to One Support Services - 1
- Alliance SC - 1
- Interpid Care & Support - 1
- Equation Nottinghamshire - 1
- Metropolitan Housing Trust - 1
- Umbrella - 1
- Forward Thinking Movement & Dance CIC - 1
- Agrade Community Care Services - 1
- Birch Wood School - 1
- Birchwood Special School - 1
- Clubs Complete - 1
- Connex Community Support - 1
- Dallaglio Rugbyworks - 1
- Derbyshire Autism Services Group - 1
- Disability Direct - 1
- Diversity Social Care - 1
- DKM Healthcare - 1
- Dna Care Services - 1
- First Steps Ed - 1
- Football & Fitness - 1
- FTM Dance CIC - 1
- Glebe House Charnwood - 1
- Goldhill Play Association - 1
- Imara CIC - 1
- J24 Resourcing - 1
- Just A Little - 1
- Leicester Tigers Foundation - 1
- Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust - 1
- Mustard Seeds CIC - 1
- Northamptonshire Carers Association - 1
- West Midlands
- Activate Management - 3
- Empowr U - 3
- Premier - 3
- Aquarius Action Projects - 2
- Abm Catering - 1
- Sense - 1
- Caudwell Children - 1
- Amg Consultancy Services - 1
- Biliv Care - 1
- Bilivcarelimited - 1
- Living Sensationally Occupational Therapy - 1
- London
- Sense - 2
- Kope Medics - 2
- Lifecome Care - 2
- Childrens Society - 1
- Real Homecare - 1
- Bounce Forward - 1
- Bridges Outcomes Partnerships - 1
- Dallaglio Rugby Works - 1
- Dallaglio Rugbyworks - 1
- North West England
- Yorkshire / Humber
- Endorphins Group - 3
- South East England
- North East England
- Sport Works - 2
- East of England
- International