Children and Adults case Management Solution Framework
A Prior Information Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Framework (Services)
- Duration
- 5 year
- Value
- ___
- Sector
- Published
- 04 Jan 2021
- Delivery
- To 01 Feb 2026 (est.)
- Deadline
- 01 Feb 2021 12:00
5 buyers
- Capitalesourcing London
- Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea London
- Westminster City Council London
This framework will allow both Children and Adult Social Care to procure the Case management as and when needed. At the heart of this implementation is a fundamental outcome: putting children and families at the heart of the design and supporting them in the most effective way. This is a revolution in case management, moving it from being an administrative tool to taking the role of an enabler of best practice within social work delivery. Bi-borough Children's Services are also keen to collaborate and jointly design a new approach to case management this exercise will enable potential suppliers to co create the end solution with Bi borough and develop a unique and innovative product for the benefit of the market as whole.
Lot Division
1 | Core case management system
Scope The following Service areas will need to be covered to achieve this CareLeavers Case Notes and Events MASH Missing Children Early Help Emergency Duty Team Family Collaboration Functionality (see Lot 4) Referrals CIN - CP Fostering Adoption Finance LAC Short Breaks Disable Children’s Service Alongside this a set of common requirements will be required to service all areas of the system. |
2 | Mobile working
Our ambitions for this Lot are: • Making as much of the functionality in Lot 1 available to practitioners on the move, this could be through app based technology or equally mobile connectivity back to the core case management system. • We would look to encourage suppliers bidding for Lot 1 to also consider bidding for this Lot where their product can support the requirements. • If achievable the provision of off-line records should also be available, for where there isn’t an available network connection. The detailed requirements are defined within the Lot 2 – Mobile Working Functional Requirements and Lot 2 - Mobile Working Non-functional Requirements documents of this procurement. |
3 | Third Party Collaboration solution
Enabling 2-way collaboration with 3rd parties. The detailed requirements are defined within the “Lot 3 – Third Party Collaboration Functional Requirements” and “Lot 3 – Third Party Collaboration Non-functional Requirements” documents of this procurement. |
4 | Family Collaboration Solution
Our ambitions for this Lot are: • Use the best of technology to collaborate directly with families and enable this collaboration to support our provision of care. This should also enable a family story style view of records. • The solution should build on the extensive use of technology by children and young people. • Enable transparent and appropriate interaction with records so that children and families can help influence, understand and be part of their own journey. |
CPV Codes
- 85000000 - Health and social work services
- 48000000 - Software package and information systems
- 64212700 - Universal Mobile Telephone System (UMTS) services
- 72200000 - Software programming and consultancy services
- 72212983 - Development software development services
- 85311300 - Welfare services for children and young people
- 72212700 - Software development services utilities
- 72227000 - Software integration consultancy services
- 48170000 - Compliance software package
- Bids should cover one or more lots.
- Bids should cover the whole contract.
- Renewals are available.
- Professional qualifications are sought.
- Award on basis of price and quality.
Other Information
To register an expression of Interest go via the E-procurement portal CapitalESourcing; Or browse as follows: — connect to — enter your Username and Password, — go to published opportunities, — click on the project Title 'Children and Adult Case Management Solution Framework' to view details. The full list of all current Opportunities can always be accessed at:
- FTS 000070-2021