DfE - Skills Bootcamps - Digital Technical
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 1 year
- Value
- £36M
- Sector
- Published
- 06 Jan 2021
- Delivery
- To 12 Feb 2022 (est.)
- Deadline
- 12 Feb 2021 23:59
3 buyers
- Department for Education London
The Authority wishes to procure Services, to support the design, development and implement delivery of Digital Technical Skills Bootcamps across England as defined in each requirement specification. We aim to have 2 Lots as follows; Lot 1 - Regional Digital Lot 2 - Technical Cross Regional Digital Please select the following Category Codes against your organisation's profile within Jaggaer to access this ITT; - 86111504 - Non certificated distance learning services - 86111600 - Adult education - Unclassified - 86111602 - Part time adult education services Note. The ITT will not be available in Jaggaer, until AFTER it has been published. Contract Values are excluding any applicable VAT.
Lot Division
1 | Digital Skills Bootcamps
You should bid in this lot if you are a Lead Organisation which wants to deliver one or more digital skills bootcamps within a single region. Bids do not have to cover a whole region and could for example cover one or more ‘travel to work areas’ within a region. Lead Organisations are permitted to bid in more than one region by submitting a separate bid for each region. Lot 1 - to award at least one contract for digital skills bootcamps in each of the 9 geographical regions of England to meet local skills needs. It is anticipated that a number of contracts will be awarded for each Lot. The Authority will enter into contract with a named Lead Supplier. We expect lead suppliers and their delivery organisations to engage with local networks and intelligence to provide a pipeline of individuals to fill identified vacancies which should be linked to guaranteed interviews for new recruits or a new role for current employees. If a Group of Economic Operators wishes to act jointly to provide the Services, it may do so (the lead supplier could be any organisation e.g. a local authority, Mayoral Combined Authority (MCA), LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership), employer, provider or other organisation and we strongly encourage local area bodies, employers and providers to come together in consortia). Employers will be expected to pay 30% of training costs course fees if retraining existing employees. We anticipate that at least 75% of all trainees will move into a new job or role within 6 months of completing training. We are interested in organisations that have expertise and experience across all the following qualifying criteria: - designing training solutions that meet employer requirements (expected level 3-5 or equivalent). - demonstrate a track record of successful employer engagement - able to demonstrate a track record of delivering high-quality training delivery and continuous improvement/ quality assurance approaches - track record of recruiting suitable trainees using open, transparent, and fair methods. - flexible delivery to suit individual needs and current conditions. - management practises to track and report trainee destination at various time points for evaluation purposes. - management practises to co-ordinate employer’s guaranteed interviews and report on outcomes for evaluation purposes. A key requirement of the Potential Supplier will be the ability to be flexible and responsive to emerging issues or areas to be addressed. |
2 | Technical Digital Skills Bootcamps
You should bid in this lot if you are a Lead Organisation which wants to submit a bid that covers more than one geographical region for technical and/ or digital skills bootcamps. Also, a Lead Supplier who wants to deliver technical skills bootcamps only. Lot 2 – to award a number of contracts on a local or national level, for technical and/or digital skills bootcamps based on evidenced demand such as for, but not restricted to clean growth, electrotechnical, welding or engineering. The Authority will enter into contract with a named Lead Supplier. We expect lead suppliers and their delivery organisations to engage with local networks and intelligence to provide a pipeline of individuals to fill identified skills shortage vacancies which should be linked to guaranteed interviews for new recruits or a new role for current employees. If a Group of Economic Operators wishes to act jointly to provide the Services, it may do so (the lead supplier could be any organisation e.g. a local authority, Mayoral Combined Authority (MCA), LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership), employer, provider or other organisation and we strongly encourage local area bodies, employers and providers to come together in consortia). Employers will be expected to pay 30% of training costs course fees if retraining existing employees. We anticipate that at least 75% of all trainees will move into a new job or role within 6 months of completing training. We are interested in organisations that have expertise and experience across all the following qualifying criteria: - demonstrate a track record of successful employer engagement - designing training solutions that meet employer requirements (expected level 3-5 or equivalent). - able to demonstrate a track record of high-quality training delivery and continuous improvement/ quality assurance approaches - track record of recruiting suitable trainees using open, transparent, and fair methods. - flexible delivery to suit individual needs and current conditions. - management practises to track and report trainee destination at various time points for evaluation purposes. - management practises to co-ordinate employer’s guaranteed interviews and report on outcomes for evaluation purposes. A key requirement of the Potential Supplier will be the ability to be flexible and responsive to emerging issues or areas to be addressed. Where Potential Suppliers are bidding in a region where there are other existing skills initiatives in operation, Potential Suppliers are strongly encouraged to engage with the coordinating bodies responsible for skills in these areas to ensure there is no conflict or duplication around delivery of skills programmes or excessive demand put on employers involved with existing, similar programmes. |
CPV Codes
- 80000000 - Education and training services
- 80400000 - Adult and other education services
- 80531200 - Technical training services
- Bids should cover one or more lots.
- Bids should cover the whole contract.
- Renewals are available.
- Award on basis of price and quality.
Legal Justification
PCR 2015 regulation 27, sub-section 5. PPN01/20
- FTS 000239-2021