All Wales Orthopaedic, Trauma and Joint Replacement Framework

A Tender Notice

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Framework (Goods)
4 year
09 Feb 2021
To 03 Mar 2025 (est.)
24 Mar 2021 12:00




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership (herein known as NWSSP) invites bidders to tender for a National Framework Agreement for the Supply Provision of Orthopaedic, Trauma and Framework Agreement to the following NHS Organisations: Wales: - Aneurin Bevan University Health Board - Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board - Cardiff & Vale University Health Board - Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board - Hywel Dda University Health Board - Swansea Bay University Health Board - Powys Teaching Health Board - Velindre NHS Trust - Public Health Wales NHS Trust - Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust Northern Ireland: - Northern Ireland Business Services Organisation (NIBSO) - Health & Social Care Trusts Northern Ireland (HSCNI) - Belfast Health & Social Care Trust - Northern Health & Social Care Trust - Western Health & Social Care Trust - Southern Health & Social Care Trust - South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership reserve the right to add additional Health Organisations within the United Kingdom to the Framework Agreement at any time during the period of the Framework Agreement. Any such additions will be made following consultation with all Participating Framework Suppliers. The period of this Framework will be 4 years from 01/05/2021. For further information please refer to ITT documents.

Lot Division

1 Hip Implants (Primary, Revision and Hemi Arthroplasty)

Supply of Hip Implants (Primary, Revision and Hemi Arthroplasty). Primary and Revision Hip Replacement: joint replacement including fractured neck of femur, hemi arthroplasty, bespoke and custom-made implants and related consumables. Outcome/Value Based Solutions. Please also refer to Section 2.7 of the ITT document for further information. Additional information: Items included in this Lot of the Framework Agreement include the following: — Acetabular cups and shells, — Acetabular liners, — Femoral stems, — Femoral heads, — Femoral necks, — Hip accessories, — Hemi-arthroplasty (Fractured neck of femur), — Cutting blocks/Guides.

2 Knee Implants (Primary and Revision)

Knee Implants (Primary and Revision) Primary and Revision Knee Replacement: Joint replacement including partial knees, bespoke and custom-made implants and related consumables. Outcome/Value Based Solutions Please also refer to Section 2.7 of the ITT document for further information. Additional information: Items included in this Lot of the Framework Agreement include the following: — Bicondylar femoral, — Unicondylar femoral, — Hinged/linked femoral, — Patello/femoral, — Pre-assembled tibial component, bicondylar, hinged/linked, unicondylar, — Tibial tray, bicondylar, unicondylar, hinged/linked, — Meniscal, bicondylar, unicondylar, — Patella, — Knee accessories.

3 Extremities Arthroplasty

Supply of Extremities Arthroplasty Implants. Shoulder, elbow, ankle, small joint reconstruction and fracture management through prosthetic arthroplasty including bespoke and custom-made implants and related consumables. Outcome/Value Based Solutions. Please also refer to Section 2.7 of the ITT document for further information. Additional information: Items included in this Lot of the Framework Agreement include the following: — Shoulder, humeral, — Shoulder, glenoid, — Shoulder accessories, — Elbow, humeral, — Elbow, ulnar, — Elbow, radial, — Elbow, pre-assembled, — Elbow accessories, — Finger, — Ankle, talar, — Ankle, tibial tray, — Ankle, pre-assembled tibial, — Ankle, meniscal, — Ankle accessories, — Toe.

4 Trauma: Internal and External Fixation and Consumables

Supply of Trauma Internal and External Fixation and Consumables. All trauma specific and implants by way of emergency trauma and non-reconstructive and congenital correction implants, external fixation devices and consumables. Elective subspecialty plating and patient care in hand and wrist, foot and ankle, cranio maxillofacial and related consumables. Outcome/Value Based Solutions Please also refer to Section 2.7 of the ITT document for further information. Additional information: Items in in this Lot include the following: — Large fragment, — Small fragment, — Hip screws, — Hip plates, — Hand and wrist products, — Foot and ankle, — Medullary nailing, — Periarticular plating, — Standard uniplanar fixator, — Ring fixator, — Hybrid fixator, — Pinless fixator, — Drill bits, — Kirschner wires, — Neuro, — Midface, — Mandible, — Maxilla.

5 Spinal

Supply of Spinal Implants Orthopaedic spinal implants and consumables including spine specific cements & substitutes and related consumables. Outcome/Value Based Solutions. Please refer to Section 2.7 of Invitation to Tender document. Additional information: Items in this Lot include the following: — Cervical — anterior, — Cervical — posterior, — Thoracic, — Lumbar, — Reconstruction, — Fusion systems, — Spine-specific biologic products.

6 Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine

Supply of Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Products All capital and consumable items required for arthroscopic surgery including all stack systems, hardware and consumables for resection and ablation. All specialist instrumentation, disposables and implants for soft tissue repair and mobilisation and other related consumables. Outcome/Value Based Solutions. Please also refer to Section 2.7 of the ITT document for further information. Additional information: Items in this Lot include the following: — ACL, — Arthroscopy pump systems, — Shaver systems and accessories, — Bone anchors, — Meniscal and cartilage repairs, — Rotator cuff, — Small joints, — Radio frequency consumables, — Arthroscopic camera stacks and accessories.

7 Bone Preparation

Supply of Bone Preparation Products. Bone cement, mixing systems, pulse lavage, bone substitutes, cement pressurisers, cement removal and associated products. Please also refer to Section 2.7 of the ITT document for further information. Additional information: Items in this Lot include the following: — Simple bone cement, — Antibiotic bone cement (e.g. Tobramycin and Gentamycin), — Bone cement mixing systems, — Pulse lavage, — Cement Plugs, — Cement Moulds.

8 Orthopaedic Power Tools and Consumables

Supply of Orthopaedic Power Tools and Consumables. Large bone, trauma, high speed and specialist power tools including all loan agreements, purchase options, maintenance and all associated consumables. Please also refer to Section 2.7 of the ITT document for further information. Additional information: Items in this Lot include the following: — Drills, — Saws, — Ultrasound bone growth systems, — General orthopaedic implant instrumentation.

9 Biologics

Supply of Biologics All biologic and synthetic bone and soft tissue substitutes and additional products such as platelet separation systems. Please also refer to Section 2.7 of the ITT document for further information. Additional information: Items in this Lot include the following: — Allografts, — Xenografts, — Demineralised bone matrix, — Cancellous bone chips, — Bone substitutes.

10 Value Based/Innovation

In order to understand what solutions may be available in the current market Bidders can submit plans to determine how partnerships/services/solutions can be developed with participating Organisations including what products and/or services are available to facilitate Value Based Healthcare Outcomes, what support will be given and under what circumstances. Crucially what benefits and efficiencies can be expected from them. This includes but is not limited to: - Patient planning - Overall cost of care reduction - Storage solutions for consigned stock - Addressing the issues of unbalanced or overstocked product - Equipment and technological platforms - Patient pathway optimisation including affecting the patient end to end journey and patient experience. For example, but not limited to: - Patient pathway / recovery optimisation - Theatre and operational efficiency and project managed solutions - Length of stay reduction - Waiting list / throughput solutions - Coding review and assistance - Managed services - Equipment and innovation solutions which optimise patient preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative care and / or rehabilitation, including but not limited to: - Imaging and Navigation solutions - Bespoke implants / instrumentation - Patient specific jigs - Patient education - Patient intel - Robotics - Artificial Intelligence and software Partnership offers with participating Organisation(s) which look to improve the service provision and share risk and reward. Please also refer to Section 2.7 and Section of the ITT document for further information. Additional information: As part of NHS Wales' drive to improve efficiency across the service, NWSSP is seeking value-based opportunities (such as Supply Chain efficiency opportunities, Theatre/Inventory Stock Management Systems, linking discounts for expenditure across multiple Lots, Innovations to reduce length of patient stay and any value based solutions)

CPV Codes

  • 33183100 - Orthopaedic implants
  • 33697110 - Bone reconstruction cements
  • 42642200 - Machine tools for working bone
  • 33184100 - Surgical implants
  • 33183200 - Orthopaedic prostheses
  • 33141700 - Orthopaedic supplies
  • 33141750 - Artificial joints
  • 33183300 - Osteosynthesis devices
  • 33141770 - Fracture appliances, pins and plates
  • 33136000 - Rotary and abrasive instrument


  • Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.
  • Variant bids may be considered.
  • This is a recurring contract.
  • Renewals are not available.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.
  • Staff qualifications are relevant.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** NHS Bodies in existence at the time of this tender are: Wales: … - South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at (WA Ref:107984)

