Contract for the Services for the Transfer, Management and Treatment of Green, Food, Bulky and Wood Waste
A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 5 year (est.)
- Value
- £27M
- Sector
- Published
- 10 Feb 2021
- Delivery
- To 10 Feb 2026 (est.)
- Deadline
- n/a

2 buyers
- Buckinghamshire Council Aylesbury
1 supplier
- FCC Recycling Northampton
The Council requires a service provider to carry out: 1) Bulking, transfer disposal and treatment of food, green and wood waste to its own (or contracted) facilities for treatment, recycling, recovery and the disposal of contaminated materials; 2) Receipt and shredding of Bulky Waste at the High Heavens Waste Complex (HHWC) and its transfer to the HH residual waste transfer station or directly to the Council’s Energy from Waste Facility at Greatmoor; 3) The operation and management of the HHWC (but not the transfer station or HRC). The Council will provide transfer facilities at High Heavens Complex for Green, and Food from the South of the County, as well as Wood and Bulky waste. Ideally, the contractor shall (preferably) provide direct delivery treatment facility(ies) for Food and Green waste in the North but otherwise shall provide a transfer station in the Council’s area or close by. The impact of the distances travelled will be evaluated. The contractor shall provide sealed waste containers for the bulking of Food waste, if applicable, haulage as necessary and disposal of contaminated materials through suitable methods of treatment.
Total Quantity or Scope
The waste streams emanate from kerbside collections and the Council’s 9 recycling centres. The contract includes transfer, haulage and treatment at the contractor’s designated facility(ies) for Food, Green and Wood waste. If feasible and cost-effective for the Council, the contractor may be required to provide sealed waste containers to transfer food waste to treatment facility(ies), or to provide direct delivery to treatment facility(ies) for a proportion of the food waste stream. Wood waste will be delivered to the high heavens waste complex for onward transfer, haulage and treatment. The contract includes the shredding of delivered bulky waste material at the high heavens waste complex and then onward transfer to the residual waste transfer station at high heavens operated by the Councils Energy from Waste (EFW) provider. Additionally, direct delivery of Bulky waste to the EFW facility at Greatmoor may be required. Contamination emanating from food, green and wood waste requires suitable methods of treatment/disposal. The contractor will be required to manage the transfer operations at the High Heavens waste complex (including staffing, repair and maintenance) and to provide appropriate plant and machinery. This may also be required at a further site. The contractor will also be required to provide data processing and weighbridge management. The high heavens waste complex is being redeveloped and this work will be continuing during the initial operational period of this Contract. The redevelopment includes new buildings, bays, weighbridge and wheel-wash. The Council’s appointed construction contractor will be required to schedule construction activities in order to ensure that the high heavens waste complex remains in an operational state throughout the construction period. The appointed contractor following this procurement will be required to work with the Council and the appointed construction contractor throughout the construction period, in order to ensure that the facility can continue to accept all contract waste in line with the specification. A detailed phasing plan for the construction works will be provided to the appointed contractor prior to the commencement of this contract. From 1 April 2020, a single new Buckinghamshire Council replaced Buckinghamshire County Council (BCC) and the four District Councils. The timing of this change in relation to this contract means that this procurement process was commenced by BCC and completed by Buckinghamshire Council, for whom the new contract will be provided. The contractor is to provide a fully integrated and seamless service across the new County, making the most of the opportunities that a combined service affords the industry. The Council expects them to work in partnership and collaboration with the Council and their supply chain.
Award Detail
1 | FCC Recycling (Northampton)
Renewal Options
The initial contract term is 5 years and may be extended for up to a further 5 years.
Award Criteria
Price | 40.0 |
Quality | 60.0 |
CPV Codes
- 90510000 - Refuse disposal and treatment
- 90500000 - Refuse and waste related services
- 90512000 - Refuse transport services
- 90513000 - Non-hazardous refuse and waste treatment and disposal services
- 90514000 - Refuse recycling services
- 90530000 - Operation of a refuse site
- Options are available.
- Award on basis of price and quality.
- OJEU 070688-2021