AHDB Technical Framework Agreement

A Tender Notice

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Framework (Services)
2 year
10 Feb 2021
04 Jun 2021 to 03 Jun 2023
10 Mar 2021 17:00




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


Framework Agreement to support the technical directorate of AHDB and its activities relating to knowledge exchange, research and development. The aim of this framework is to support those activities with additional expertise and capabilities sourced from consultants, experts and trainers. It is split into 9 Lots covering: Lot 1 Leadership Management training Lot 2 Lean reviews Lot 3 Health and Safety, Environmental Management, Integrated Pest Management and Grassland Management Lot 4 Agribusiness/ Finance reviews Lot 5 HR/ Workforce Planning Lot 6 Animal Health, Welfare and Biosecurity Lot 7 Digital Copywriting Lot 8 Behavioural Insights Lot 9 Evidence for Farming Initiative.

Lot Division

1 Leadership and Management
  • Duration: 2 year
  • Value: £250K

The Supplier shall deliver leadership and management development activity to improve business resilience, profitability and empower individuals. The target audience is employers and employees of all AHDB levy paying businesses, with a broad range of experience engaging in this kind of development activity previously.

3 Health and Safety, Environment, Integrated Pest Management and Grassland Management
  • Duration: 2 year
  • Value: £1M

The Supplier shall provide various Consultancy Services in: Health and Safety Environment Integrated Pest Management Grass and Forage Management

4 Agribusiness, Group Formation and Data Collection
  • Duration: 2 year
  • Value: £12M

The Supplier shall provide one or both of the following services to AHDB under this agreement: Agribusiness Appraisals on Monitor and Strategic farms Farmer recruitment, group formation and data collection, validation and upload into AHDB benchmarking systems, e.g. Farmbench or KPI Express

5 HR/ Workforce Planning
  • Duration: 2 year
  • Value: £200K

The Supplier shall provide services that shall enable AHDB levy payers to strengthen workplace planning processes and training plans.

6 Animal Health, Welfare and Biosecurity
  • Duration: 2 year
  • Value: £160K

The Supplier shall provide one or more of the following services: On-farm assessment of health, welfare and biosecurity standards of AHDB levy paying businesses involved in KE or RD activities Technical support, advice and guidance on health, welfare and biosecurity to employees of AHDB Provision of Training to AHDB and third parties Support to AHDB in the event of a PEDv outbreak

7 Digital Copywriting
  • Duration: 2 year
  • Value: £300K

AHDB require an experienced digital copywriter to rewrite content that was initially written for a printed publication and is currently in PDF format; and provide accurate web addresses, search engine optimised titles and descriptions to images, videos and other digital media. Our aim is to make our knowledge library content more accessible, for example, by taking it out of PDF and putting into searchable webpages that are well structured and specific. This is achieved by ensuring that the content is written in plain English, is well structured and meets current search engine optimisation (SEO) best practices.

8 Behavioural Insights
  • Duration: 2 year
  • Value: £200K

The Supplier shall provide the following Behavioural Insights services: Training and mentoring. Consultancy services such as, but not limited to: Process reviews Evaluation development and analysis Pilots and trial work Advice and guidance to AHDB staff Preparation, design and development of target audience (farmers, growers, industry advisors) interventions and resources Ethical reviews Development of profiles and personas for target audiences Research, literature reviews and evidence synthesis on the use of behavioural insights in agriculture, horticulture and related industries.

9 Evidence for Farming Initiative
  • Duration: 21 month
  • Value: £500K

As part of its programme for the design and development of the Evidence for Farming Initiative (EFI), AHDB requires suppliers to provide a range of services to support EFI, to include, rapid evidence assessments, scoping review of research studies, statistical analyses and evidence syntheses. AHDB’s ambition is, over time, for EFI to: identify the best available evidence for how farmers, growers and other decision-makers can bring about sustainable businesses operating in a sustainable sector address gaps in the evidence base by conducting and supporting primary research and by commissioning and undertaking evidence syntheses translate evidence into accessible, actionable materials support decision makers in using evidence to improve the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of agricultural practice. identify data owners and potential research partners for the EFI AHDB’s piloted the development of EFI through an initial focus on the ‘Net Zero’ agenda, prototyping products and services that will assist decision-makers seeking to reduce GHG emissions. The prototype has been underpinned by a set of Evidence Standards.

9 Lean
  • Duration: 2 year
  • Value: £400K

The Supplier shall deliver LEAN training embedding LEAN principles in levy payer businesses to act as live case studies for the industry.

CPV Codes

  • 79400000 - Business and management consultancy and related services
  • 80532000 - Management training services
  • 79420000 - Management-related services
  • 71317210 - Health and safety consultancy services
  • 79412000 - Financial management consultancy services
  • 79414000 - Human resources management consultancy services
  • 77100000 - Agricultural services
  • 92312211 - Writing agency services
  • 80570000 - Personal development training services


  • Bids should cover one or more lots.
  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • This is a recurring contract.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

