A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 5 month
- Value
- £248K
- Sector
- Published
- 08 Mar 2021
- Delivery
- 25 Feb 2021 to 23 Jul 2021
- Deadline
- 01 Feb 2021 12:00
1 buyer
- DIO Commercial Glasgow
1 supplier
- Willmott Dixon Construction Letchworth
The Defence Estate Optimisation (DEO) Portfolio of projects is delivering the rationalisation and transition of the MoD Defence Estate to realise the NSS and BDE. The portfolio includes armed forces and civilian sites across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland; delivering improved facilities and sites together and any associated site disposals or re-provisions whilst enabling the strategic movement and relocation of units. The DEO Portfolio works in unison with the Armed Forces; Generated Force (Army); Air, Navy and UK Support Command to achieve the programme, whilst the Armed Forces fulfil their operational, training and other requirements. A DEO Project may cover changes to a site or multiple sites and be interconnected with other separate, but dependant, DEO projects. The DEO projects Programme and Project Initiation Documents (PgID and PIDs) provide a baseline of options for sites such as re-provision or disposal. A site disposal may lead to re-provision at multiple sites or locations. The baseline allows for the interlinked dependencies of projects within the portfolio to enable unit moves and site disposals etc. to achieve the future MoD estate, often on more than one site. A preliminary value for money (VfM) analysis of multiple options for each military capability has narrowed the future site options for each unit within the PgID and its supporting PIDs; in most cases down to a single site. This work has been supported by site utilisation and capacity studies which identify each site's potential as a receiver site for different types of units and / or facilities. Each individual PID identifies a Primary Option, which reflects the Preliminary VfM assessment within that PID and the compatibility of options across interlinked PIDs. In some cases, an Alternate Option is retained for detailed Assessment Study. Each PID also contains an analysis of a potential Do Nothing option, which have been determined to be non-sensible. The Programme Concept of Analysis (CoA) sets the boundaries and responsibilities for the delivery of constituent projects by the Regional project delivery teams. The CoA also describes the methodology that will be used to assess the options to be tested through Outline Business Case (OBC) for the future delivery of the constituent projects within the Programme. It should be read in conjunction with the other key Programme Artefacts and Portfolio Artefacts and Policies. 10. The works anticipated to be required: a) New Build Single Living Accommodation (SLA) b) Extension to Existing Building c) Extension to Existing Building
Award Detail
1 | Willmott Dixon Construction (Letchworth)
CPV Codes
- 71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
- Contract is suitable for VCOs.
Other Information
d) Complete RIBA Stage 4 technical design and construct. e) Complete RIBA Stage 4 technical design and construct REDACTED CONTRACT 0. 20210212-621_VGS_MOD_Cover_Letter_701372380 - Redacted.pdf REDACTED CONTRACT 1. Little Rissington Schedule 5 project order REV 210121 - Redacted.pdf REDACTED CONTRACT 2. 20201216 Schedule 8 - PCSA - Redacted.pdf REDACTED CONTRACT 3. 20210127-Schedule 8_APPENDIX 4__ADDITIONAL CLAUSES - DEFCONS & CONTRACT CLAUSES - Redacted.pdf REDACTED CONTRACT 4. Schedule 8_Appendix 4_Annex A - 210121 Cyber risk assessment report - Redacted.pdf REDACTED CONTRACT 5. 220121 Official Sensitive DEO WISI VGS 621 v1.6 OS - Redacted.pdf REDACTED CONTRACT 6. WISI Annexes v2 - OS - Redacted.pdf REDACTED CONTRACT 7. 210121 Project Little Rissington PcSA_Activity_Schedule_A_Pricing A - Redacted.pdf REDACTED CONTRACT 7. 210121 Project Little Rissington PcSA_Activity_Schedule_A_Pricing B - Redacted.pdf REDACTED CONTRACT 7. 210121 Project Little Rissington PcSA_Activity_Schedule_A_Pricing C - Redacted.pdf REDACTED CONTRACT 8. 20201117-SAL_621VGS-OS (004) - Redacted.pdf REDACTED CONTRACT 9. LR0001 rev06 Pre construction - Redacted.pdf
- Contract Award - 701472380 - REPROVISION OF 621 VOLUNTEER GLIDIN…
- CF 46ada1fa-3149-4e2b-959d-a5a6411d918a