Term Contract for the Statutory Compliance and Reactive Repairs of Powered Pedestrian Access Doors (including Reactive Repairs to Door Entry and Access Control Systems)
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 3 year
- Value
- 700K
- Sector
- Published
- 08 Mar 2021
- Delivery
- To 12 Apr 2024 (est.)
- Deadline
- 13 Apr 2021 11:00
The geographical area of Renfrewshire Council
2 buyers
- Renfrewshire Council Paisley
The Council is seeking to employ a suitably experienced Contractor to carry out a contract for the Statutory Compliance and Reactive Repairs to various types and manufacture of Powered Pedestrian Access Doors throughout the Councils estate. The contract also includes for reactive maintenance and repairs to Door Entry Access Systems (video and audio) and Access Control Systems (card/fob readers, access keypads).
Total Quantity or Scope
To carry out; ~ Statutory Inspection and Maintenance of Powered Pedestrian Access Doors. ~ Reactive Repairs to Powered Pedestrian Access Doors. ~ Reactive Repairs to Access Control Systems. ~ Reactive Repairs to Door Entry Systems.
Renewal Options
The Council will have, at its sole discretion, the option to extend the contract for additional periods up to a maximum contract period of 5 years (the length of any extension period awarded will be determined by the Council).
Award Criteria
Fair Working Practices | 5.0 |
Community Benefits | 6.0 |
Community Benefit Methodology | 4.0 |
Methodology and Approach to providing the required services | 15.0 |
PRICE | 70.0 |
CPV Codes
- 50700000 - Repair and maintenance services of building installations
- 50710000 - Repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations
- Bids should cover the whole contract.
- This is a recurring contract.
- Renewals are available.
- Financial restrictions apply.
- Professional qualifications are sought.
- Award on basis of price.
Other Information
The anticipated annual value of this contract is estimated to be in the region of GBP140,000.00. The Contracting authority requires the bidder to complete and submit, WITH THEIR TENDER RESPONSE the following documents; ~ The completed Pricing Document referenced as "Pricing Schedule - Powered Pedestrian Doors Maintenance Contract (RC-CPU-19-355)"; ~ Tender Declaration Page (Supplementary document S7); ~ Tender Compliance Certificate (Supplementary document S3). The Pricing Document can be found within a folder entitled "Contract Documents" and the Tender Declaration Page (referenced as S7) and Tender Compliance Certificate (referenced as S3) can be found within a folder entitled "Supplementary Documents". Both of these folders are attached within the General Attachment Area of the eTender. The Contracting authority may also require the bidder to complete and submit, at “REQUEST FOR DOCUMENTATION STAGE”, the following Supplementary documents (S Docs); ~ S1 - Equalities Questionnaire ~ S2 - Equalities Declaration ~ S4 - No Collusion Certificate ~ S5 - Prompt Payment Certificate (if subcontractors are to be used) ~ S8 - Project Manager Form ~ S9 - Health and Safety Questionnaire The above mentioned documents are provided with the tender documents and can be located within a folder entitled “Supplementary Documents” uploaded into the General Attachment Area of the eTender. Within the Technical Envelope of the etender, tenderers are requested to provide information in relation to their organisation and workforce. It should be noted that the detail requested in this section is for information only and will not form part of the award criteria and therefore has a “0” weighting. The buyer is using PCS-Tender to conduct this ITT exercise. The Project code is 18005. For more information see: http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/info/InfoCentre.aspx?ID=2343 Community benefits are included in this requirement. For more information see: http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/info/InfoCentre.aspx?ID=2361 A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided as follows: Bidders must refer to the Councils Community Benefit Outcome Menu and state which Community Benefits they will deliver during the initial 3 year contract period. Each community benefit has been allocated a points value. The total points value of the Community Benefits offered will be benchmarked and scored against the Councils expectation as detailed within the Invitation To Tender document (in this instance the Councils expectation is that Community Benefits to the value of 30 points will be deliver over the initial 3 year contract period). Bidders must also provide a Community Benefit Supporting Methodology Statement that describes the approach that will be undertaken to ensure the delivery of the community benefits offered. (SC Ref:646462)
- FTS 004615-2021