Luton Community Services

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
2.5 year
30 Mar 2021
01 Oct 2020 to 31 Mar 2023
30 Sep 2020 17:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers


Luton CCG, with Associate Commissioners Luton Borough Council and Bedfordshire CCG, commission Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust to provide adult and paediatric community services. Enhanced services are provided by general practice for gynaecology, phlebotomy, marginalised groups (homeless) and minor surgery. The Contracting Authorities intend to extend these services to 31st March 2023, with an estimated contract value of £24.9m per annum and have published a VEAT Notice (ref:2021/S 062-158695) in accordance with Regulation 72. The contract extension allows the CCG to continue transformational work with its incumbent providers, which aims to provide increased high quality and joined up services to the patients of Luton, without risking destabilisation of the transformational projects currently in place which enable successful delivery of a long term community services strategy. There is also a need to maintain a consistent level of service provision as the NHS enters recovery phase post COVID-19. The transformation undertaken is consistent with the vision in the NHS Long Term Plan for community services and primary care to work as integrated teams to extend independence and support the population to 'Age Well'. However, although the transformational work has been significant further work is still required before a future community services model and/or approach can be determined in order to run an outcomes based commissioning process. To procure the service at this point will likely destabilise the progress that has been made and will delay implementation of the integrated care programme. This delay could have an adverse impact on the patient population. There is also a need to maintain a level of consistent service provision as the NHS enters recovery phase post Covid-19. As such there is a need for additional works, services or supplies and the grounds identified in Regulation 72 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 apply. Namely: 1. The current uncertainty around Covid-19 is placing additional burden on NHS Luton CCGs, and a procurement of community services at this time would be almost impossible to run given the demands being placed on the CCG/ICS from elsewhere; 2. Mobilisation of new providers would not be possible in the current NHS climate without significant risk being held by both commissioners, CCS and ICS partners; 3. Luton place-based systems are not yet able to specify to the required level of detail the model of care and outcomes they are trying to achieve and further transformational work is required. 4. The risk of distracting commissioning and provider resources by initiating a procurement process is too great at the current stage in the BLMK ICS development. There is a risk that system transformation will be significantly delayed until the procurement process is concluded.

Award Detail

1 Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust (St Ives)
  • Value: £62,217,387

CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services
  • 85323000 - Community health services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Extension of existing community service provision. Further transformational work is required before a future community services model and/or approach can be determined. A further contract extension until 31.3.23 allows NHS Luton CCG to: • Implement the recovery and transformation plan following the COVID-19 pandemic • Address the key milestones for primary community care as described in the NHS Long Term Plan • Develop a BLMK Primary Community Services Strategy in the context of the Integrated Care System and the Bedfordshire Care Alliance. Therefore the following services delivered by Cambridgeshire Community Services (CCS) from 1.10.2020 until the 31.3.2023, include: - Continence Pads and Service (Adults/Children), - End of Life Psychology - Children's Eye Service - Nutrition and Dietetics (Adults/Children) - Children's Occupational Therapy - Speech and Language Therapy (Children) provision - Community/District Nursing Service, - Community Phlebotomy Service, - Integrated Discharge and GP Liaison Service, - Community Falls Service, - Community Cancer and Palliative Care and End of Life Services, - Community Tissue Viability Service, - Community Nurse Led DVT Service, - Community Nurse Led Oral Anti-coagulation Monitoring Clinic, - TB Service, LTC - Community Diabetes Services, - Community Heart Failure Service, - Community Nurse Led Respiratory Service, LTC - Parkinson's Disease, - At Home First Integrated MDT, - Children's Continuing Care Team, - Special Needs Nursing Service Paediatric Epilepsy Nursing Service, - Paediatric Community Audiology, - Looked After Children Team, - Paediatric Rapid Response Team, - Community Paediatrics (Medical) Service, - Integrated Children (Community Nursing), - Pre-School Feeding service, - Haemoglobinopathy Service and Newborn Bloodspot screening, - Community Nurse led Service - Oral Anticoagulation Monitoring Clinic, - 0-19 Children's Service, - Health Visitors, - Public Health Nursing Service for school aged children. Primary care will continue to deliver gynaecology, phlebotomy, marginalised groups (homeless) and minor surgery services. Contract value per annum: £24,886,955 Total contract value for 30 month extension: £62,217,387 A VEAT notice was published in the Official Journal European Union (OJEU) on 30/03/21, ref 2021/S 062-158695. A previous publication concerning this procedure was published in the OJEU on 20/03/2018, ref: 2018/S 069-153453.

