Uttlesford District Council Infrastructure Development Plan
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 32.5 month
- Value
- ___
- Sector
- Published
- 19 Apr 2021
- Delivery
- 13 May 2021 to 31 Jan 2024
- Deadline
- 04 May 2021 12:00
- uttlesford district council
- chelmsford
- architecture and construction
- infrastructure delivery plan
- preparation of the new local plan
- uttlesford district council infrastructure development plan
- economic position of the district
- council on the infrastructure delivery plan
- objectives of infrastructure providers
- growth plans
1 buyer
- Essex County Council Chelmsford
To apply, please contact katie.elgie@essex.gov.uk Uttlesford District Council invites consultancy teams to submit a proposal to work with the Council on the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) as a critical element in the preparation of the new Local Plan for the district, commencing with a review and updating of the baseline, followed by a draft IDP and viability assessment of the preferred spatial option; to be completed by the end of 2022. Uttlesford District Council is at the Issues and Options stage of preparing the new Local Plan. containing the preferred spatial strategy, strategic and non-strategic policies for development for the period 2020 to 2040. This will close, including the Call for Sites, on 21st April when options for the spatial strategy will be prepared. The emerging IDP will need to feed directly into the spatial Strategy options. The IDP must acknowledge the geography and economic position of the district in the wider region of influence including growth plans around Cambridge, across Essex, north-west towards the Oxford-Milton Keynes- Cambridge Arc, England's Economic Heartland, the scope of Transport East, and along the M11 Innovation Corridor towards London. This could translate into opportunity for funding strategic infrastructure within wider partnerships and coalescence of interest. The District will have to demonstrate at the Local Plan Examination in Public the capacity to deliver the growth agenda along with the infrastructure essential to create healthy and climate-change responsive communities or to support the expansion of existing settlements, and this may well be without the certainty of funding for major projects; hence the need for a robust and viable IDP. Consultants must demonstrate convincingly their appreciation of these wider imperatives, the need for strong, broader partnerships, meeting the objectives of infrastructure providers and be bold in the approach to climate change mitigation, adaptation and carving the road to net zero with a quality output delivered to the project milestones and Plan programme. The consultants should develop an IDP which sets out what infrastructure is needed, where, likely phasing, and deliverability issues including cost. Consultants will work with all the physical and community infrastructure providers, incorporating their vision and strategies for delivery and funding, utilising emerging evidence in the context of accepted standards. However, consultants must take account of and apply reasoned prediction to changes to standards over time.
CPV Codes
- 71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
- Contract is suitable for VCOs.
Other Information
Pricing Matrix Pricing Matrix IDPUDCECC.xlsx RFQ & Specification UDC IDP ECC Specification 150421 (007).docx Terms and Conditions UDC RFQ Terms and Conditions (002).doc Bidder Guidance RFQ Bidders Guidance.doc
- CF 1082c330-e4d4-42b3-9326-190f87b3a0c6