NEPO417 Janitorial and Facilities Supplies Framework Solution

A Prior Information Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Goods)
not specified
28 Apr 2021
not specified



North East England: The Contracting Authorities under Geographical Lot 1 - NEPO Region North and who would be entitled to call of the Renewal of this Framework would be as follows: • Durham County Council, including Durham Schools & Academies with an SLA with Durham County Council Corporate Procurement and other External Bodies such as Durham Constabulary and County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Services • Gateshead Council • Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Council • North Tyneside Council • South Tyneside Council including South Tyneside Homes • Sunderland City Council • Northumberland County Council

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


Durham County Council (DCC), the Lead Spoke Authority for NEPO (North East Procurement Organisation) is looking to approach the market shortly for the renewal of the NEPO417 Janitorial and Facilities Supplies Framework Solution. There is an existing Framework Solution in place which is due to expire on 21st May 2022. An fully compliant tender process will be used to re-procure this Framework and it is envisaged that DCC will be able to issue the Invitation to Tender (ITT) documentation potentially around mid-August 2021. The Framework Agreement is likely to be for a maximum of 6 years in total. The Scope of NEPO's Requirements currently covers the following: Section 1 - Domestic/Cleaning Chemicals Section 2 - Janitorial Supplies Section 3 - Washroom Supplies Section 4 - Environmentally Friendly Alternatives NEPO's initial tender process was split into the following Geographical Lots: Lot 1 - NEPO Regional North Lot 2 - NEPO Regional South Lot 3 - NEPO Regional Lot The Framework Agreement was awarded to a single Provider under Geographical Lot 3 - NEPO Regional Lot. The scope of the requirements for this Framework is to cover all of the following Sections within each Geographical Lot(s): • Section 1 - Cleaning Chemicals ( Domestic & Industrial) • Section 2 - Janitorial Supplies • Section 3 - Washroom Supplies • Section 4 - Environmentally Friendly Alternatives

Lot Division

1 Geographical Lot 1 - NEPO Region North
2 Geographical Lot 2 - NEPO Region South
3 Geographical Lot 3 - Regional Lot

CPV Codes

  • 39830000 - Cleaning products
  • 98341130 - Janitorial services
  • 98000000 - Other community, social and personal services


  • Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** The purpose of this PIN is to provide advance notice to the market place of NEPO's intentions to potentially hold virtual one to one supplier meetings with interested organisations in the Cleaning and Hygiene Sector to help shape the future of this Framework Agreement. This market approach will be discussed further with the Solution's Steering Group Members. One to one supplier meetings if conducted would be done so via Microsoft Teams or other secure meeting Platforms and will be limited to a particular number of suppliers. Those wishing to register their interest must do so in writing to Denise Corrigan ( by no later than 7th May 2021 at 12 Noon. One to One meetings with interested suppliers would be strictly limited to a maximum of 30 minutes per session and will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. It is stated that involvement in any One to One supplier meeting would be optional and would not provide a supplier an advantage in any manner nor would it constitute a supplier's intention to tender. NEPO have already issued a Soft Market Consultation Questionnaire ("Questionnaire") which has been made accessible via the NEPO eTenderportal. Suppliers wishing to access and complete the Questionnaire must first register on the Portal (unless already registered) using the following link The Questionnaire will allow a further opportunity for those suppliers unable to attend a one to one supplier meeting to contribute towards shaping the renewal of the NEPO417 Janitorial and Facilities Supplies Framework. The submission date for completed Soft Market Testing Questionnaires is Tuesday 4th May 2021 at 12 Noon. NEPO will be also exploring the option of a National Lot and the potential to expand the Janitorial Solution nationally for wider accessibility for Public-Sector Organisations. The results from the Questionnaire and interest from the Market will all help towards shaping the future of the renewal of this Solution.

