KU/298/DC/AW/2021- Clerk of Works- Mechanical Electrical Engineering Services for Innovation Centre 7 - (IC7) - AWARD

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
23.5 month
10 May 2021
05 May 2021 to 15 Apr 2023
19 Apr 2021 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers

1 buyer

1 supplier


Tenders are invited for the JCT Consultancy Clerk of Works - Mechanical & Electrical Engineering (MEE) Services for Innovation Centre 7 (IC7) project at Keele University. The Clerk of Works - MEE Services role is to provide the University with expertise to support, monitor and review the M&E elements of the project to be delivered by the Main Contractor under a JCT Design and Build Contract (2016). The role will require working with both the Estates and Development Project Manager and the Engineering Planning (Technical & Responsible Persons) Team to ensure successful completion of the project to the specified standards which will include statutory, industry and University requirements. The scope of services covers RIBA Stages 5, 6 & 7. This Specification for Clerk of Works - Mechanical Engineering Services for Innovation Centre 7 (IC7) build should be read in conjunction with the Scope of Services document. The University is looking to appoint a single Service Provider by 3rd May 2021, which is the planned start date of the main works contractor. The Service contract will run until end of the Defects Liability Period of 12 months following the completion of the works contract. (PC Date 15th April 2022). Award Criteria The University shall identify the most economically advantageous tender in accordance with the criteria set out below. The maximum score available is 1000 marks, divided into 600 marks for Technical (Quality) and 400 marks for Commercial (Price). Technical (Quality) Evaluation The 600 marks for Technical (Quality) represent a maximum weighted score. This is broken down into a number of questions each of which have a weighting as indicated in Table A below. Table A Tender Question Weighting Maximum weighted Score 1. Approach and Methodology for Service Delivery 50 250 marks 2. Quality of Named Lead Individual(s) assigned to performing the contract 50 250 marks 3. Quality Management System 20 100 marks 600 marks Commercial (Price) Evaluation Tenderers are asked to submit a Total Tender Price (fixed price lump sum) which must cover the delivery of all of the services required under the contract (as detailed in the Tender Specification in Section 2 of the ITT), reflect the cost of delivering t...

Award Detail

1 Ridge & Partners (Woodstock)
  • Value: £28,750

CPV Codes

  • 71356100 - Technical control services
  • 71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
  • 71356300 - Technical support services
  • 71356000 - Technical services
  • 71334000 - Mechanical and electrical engineering services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

