ESCC Housing-Related Floating Support

A Tender Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
10 year
17 May 2021
23 Nov 2021 to 21 Nov 2031
23 Jun 2021 11:00



East Sussex CC:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


East Sussex County Council are looking for one or two Strategic Partners to support people aged 16 years and over, to live well and independently in their own homes. There are three Lots (East Area, West Area and Countywide) and the Strategic Partner will be responsible for the entire service delivery and may subcontract an Area of the Service, or form a consortium. The Strategic Partner will work to fulfil Care Act responsibilities to promote individual wellbeing and prevent, reduce or delay the need for care and support, targeting those who need it most, prevent the need for Temporary and Emergency accommodation, where possible, and avoid homelessness or insecure housing including crisis interventions where needed. They will also develop systems and pathways that reduce pressure on Health, Social Care and Housing services, maximising the resource available across the system to support people at risk of losing their independence or becoming homeless.

Lot Division

1 A single Strategic Partner for the East Area
  • Value: £15M

East Sussex County Council are looking for a provider to support people to live well and independently in their own homes, in the East Area of East Sussex. They will ensure individuals are adequately housed, preventing decline and the loss of independence, can maintain and sustain their accommodation, avoiding homelessness, are supported to identify appropriate accommodation and feel safe living in it, are supported to maximise their income and manage household bills, debts, and to keep warm and reduce energy bills, maximise their quality of life, can make informed choices about their support and how the Services are delivered, receive timely support that meets their needs and delivers good outcomes. Additional information: Value in II.2.6 and end date in II.2.7 includes the extension option. The maximum annual value of the East area is £1,538,800. During the first 24 months of the contract, there is also an additional requirement for providers to commit £50,000 from the overall total contract sum to build staff capacity across both the East Area and the West Area.

2 A single Strategic Partner for the West Area
  • Value: £23M

East Sussex County Council are looking for a provider to support people to live well and independently in their own homes, in the West Area of East Sussex. They will ensure individuals are adequately housed, preventing decline and the loss of independence, can maintain and sustain their accommodation, avoiding homelessness, are supported to identify appropriate accommodation and feel safe living in it, are supported to maximise their income and manage household bills, debts, and to keep warm and reduce energy bills, maximise their quality of life, can make informed choices about their support and how the Services are delivered, receive timely support that meets their needs and delivers good outcomes. Additional information: Value in II.2.6 and end date in II.2.7 includes the extension option. The maximum annual value of the West area is £2,308,200. During the first 24 months of the contract, there is also an additional requirement for providers to commit £50,000 from the overall total contract sum to build staff capacity across both the East Area and the West Area.

3 Lot 3 - Both East and West Area
  • Value: £38M

East Sussex County Council are looking for a provider to support people to live well and independently in their own homes, in East Sussex. They will ensure individuals are adequately housed, preventing decline and the loss of independence, can maintain and sustain their accommodation, avoiding homelessness, are supported to identify appropriate accommodation and feel safe living in it, are supported to maximise their income and manage household bills, debts, and to keep warm and reduce energy bills, maximise their quality of life, can make informed choices about their support and how the Services are delivered, receive timely support that meets their needs and delivers good outcomes. Additional information: Value in II.2.6 and end date in II.2.7 includes the extension option. The total annual maximum budget available for delivery of the Services across the County is anticipated to be £3,847,000.During the first 24 months of the contract, there is also a requirement for providers to commit £50,000 from the overall total contract sum to build staff capacity across both the East Area and the West Area.

Renewal Options

Contract is due to be renewed at the end of the contract period. The Notice will be published at least 6 months prior to the contract end date.

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


  • This is a recurring contract.
  • Options are available.
  • Renewals are available.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** The value stated in II.1.5 includes the available extension period.The total annual maximum budget available for delivery of the Services across the entire County is anticipated to be £3,847,000. The maximum annual value of the East area is £1,538,800. The maximum annual value of the West area is £2,308,200. This represents a 40/60 split of the financial resource. During the first 24 months of the contract, there is also an additional requirement for providers to commit £50,000 from the overall total contract sum to build staff capacity across both the East Area and the West Area enabling better outcomes for the provision of benefits, debt and money advice before referring into specialist services, where necessary. Allocation of this resource will be planned with the Strategic Partner(s).Seven of the staff eligible to transfer under Lot 2 are members of the Local Government Pension Scheme. Indicative employer contribution rates and the bond risk assessment, provided by an independent actuary, will be included in the tender documents. The awarded provider will bear, where applicable, the associated costs to the Administering Authority, that apply if a decision is made to retire a member on the grounds of redundancy, business efficiency or ill health. The Council takes no responsibility for such costs. The attention of the Bidders is drawn to the fact that the Council reserves the right, acting in accordance with the Regulations, to review on a regular basis the Specification to capture, for example, changes to relevant legislation or new needs and priorities, or improvement in practices, and this may result in some modification to the Specification. These will be developed by the Council in collaboration with the successful Strategic Partner(s) and any subcontractors or consortia partners in their supply chain (if any).

