BBC Countryfile Calendar for Children in Need

A Contract Award Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
not specified
24 May 2021
not specified



United Kingdom:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers

1 buyer

1 supplier


Each series Countryfile runs a photographic competition for its viewers, the prize being a place in the Countryfile Calendar. The schedule for the competition is detailed below. A previously agreed proportion of the proceeds are donated directly to BBC Children in Need. In the region of 670,000 calendars were sold in 2020, raising in excess of £3 million for BBC Children in Need The Countryfile Calendar front cover has the photograph from the year’s winning entrant, followed by a 13-month calendar year with each month having a winner’s photograph, along with a smaller box for a runner up photograph as well as the calendar for that month. The back cover of the calendar has a message from the year’s judges. The purpose of this tender is to identify a supplier for the design and production of the Countryfile Calendar, to work in partnership, to implement and supply all aspects involved in management and production of said Calendar from concept to completion. The BBC and Children in Need expect the numbers of calendars to be sold in 2021 to approach 600,000 copies and for these numbers to be consistent across the contract term (including the optional extensions). However, this number cannot be guaranteed, and the winning Tenderer must accept any financial risk of those numbers being different.

Award Detail

1 Art of Design (Ashford)
  • BBC Countryfile Calendar for Children in Need
  • Reference: 011536-2021-1-1
  • Value: £1

Award Criteria

Merit 50%
price 50%

CPV Codes

  • 79900000 - Miscellaneous business and business-related services

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** In the case of technology requirements, the BBC may involve its technology partner (Atos IT Solutions and Services Limited) to assist in the scoping and drafting of invitations to tender and/or the evaluation of tenders. However, the final decision as to which is the most economically advantageous (by reference to the award criteria) will be made by the BBC. The awarding authority reserves the right not to award a contract and to annul the procurement process at any stage. Tenders and all supporting documents must be priced in sterling and all payments will be made in sterling. The contract shall be subject to English law. The awarding authority does not bind itself to accept the lowest, or any tender and reserves the right to accept part of a tender unless the tenderer expressly stipulates otherwise in the tender document.

