Flexible Tactical Uncrewed Air System (FTUAS) - Navy UCR
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Contract (Goods)
- Duration
- 23.5 month
- Value
- £0-£52M
- Sector
- Published
- 25 May 2021
- Delivery
- To 21 Jun 2023 (est.)
- Deadline
- 01 Jul 2021 22:59
1 buyer
- MOD Bistol
The requirement is for the provision of a number of Uncrewed Air Systems (UAS) and ancillaries under a Military Owned Military Operated (MOMO) arrangement to be delivered to the Royal Navy (RN) and Integrated onto a Naval Warship, to provide the RN with a Flexible Tactical Uncrewed Air System (FTUAS) Urgent Capability Requirement (UCR) for RN forward presence shipping to counter Crewed and Uncrewed Surface Vessels (USVs) in an operational theatre. The requirement will also require the Contractor to provide a FTUAS system at a UK Royal Navy Air Station, technical information, through life support, as well as the provision of training for operators and maintainers. The requirement is for a capability to FIND, FIX, TRACK and ASSESS Fast Inshore Attack Craft, Crewed and Uncrewed, operating alone, in large numbers. It is anticipated that the solution will permanently embark on a Naval Warship to provide a persistent, intimate, integrated and assured capability. The ability to operate at sufficient range from its parent ship to facilitate timely decision making is anticipated as is the need for a Maritime Surface Surveillance Radar to satisfactorily deliver “FIND”. It is anticipated that the equipment will be in service for a period of 24 months from the date of the delivery of the initial operating capability (IOC), with options including a Contract extension up to an additional 24 months, subject to Ministry of Defence approval. It is anticipated that a maximum of 4 (four) suppliers (who achieved the best overall score) will be invited to submit formal tenders, based on the evaluation criteria contained within the PQQ documents. However, the Authority will have the discretion to vary the total number of potential providers that will or will not be taken through to the ITN phase. The maximum number of tenderers who will be invited to participate in the negotiation phase of the procurement process will be 3 (three) depending on the results of the initial tender evaluation. However, the Authority will have the discretion to vary the total number of tenderers who we will initiate negotiations with. Award criteria: The Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT) in accordance with the criteria to be stated in the Invitation to Negotiate documentation. All queries regarding this advert must be submitted to the RPAS Commercial Officer named above. Failure to observe this condition could lead to the company concerned being excluded from future participation in the procurement exercise. The Authority reserves the right to amend any condition related to security of information to reflect any changes in national Law or government policy. If any contract documents are accompanied by instructions on safeguarding classified information (e.g. a Security Aspects Letter (SAL), the Authority reserves the right to amend the terms of these instructions to reflect changes in national Law or government policy whether in respect of the applicable protective marking scheme, specific protective markings given, the aspects to which any protective marking applies, or otherwise. The Cyber Risk Profile for this requirement identified by the Cyber Risk Assessment is MODERATE and has a reference: RAR-FW22TKJF.
Total Quantity or Scope
There are a number of Key Principles, which the Authority believe the Contractor and its supply chain will need to be able to fulfil, in order for the FTUAS solution to be able to operate effectively. These Key Principles include: 1. The ability to supply a Rotary Wing Air Vehicle able to operate embarked within the constraints posed by a Naval Warship, with integrated Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (including a Maritime Surface Surveillance Radar), and the Air System being able to supply / disseminate / process information in the format designated for the Combat Management System, all to be delivered within the programme timescales. 2. The successful solution will most likely be a mature system, possibly with some civil approvals and need little adaptation or modification (e.g. COTS / MOTS) to meet the requirement and be deployable in the operational theatre at sea. 3. Hold ISO9001 or AS9100 accreditation or equivalent 4. The ability to immediately engage with the Authority at the correct classification of Security, manage this information securely, manage export controls appropriately, and supply personnel security cleared to the appropriate level. There will be a requirement for the Contractor to occasionally deploy Field Service Representatives (FSRs) / trainers to embark on the vessel to provide short term support. Depending on the nature of operations, deployment of the FSR may need to be governed by policy and processes in line with Contractors on Deployed Operations (CONDO). There may be a requirement for the chosen supplier to transfer the equipment to a different class of Naval Warship in an emergency situation / unforeseen circumstance. The Authority anticipate that the IOC date will be during 2023. There may be a requirement for the preferred bidder to provide information, prior to Contract Award, to support the Authority with maintaining the schedule which would be subject to separate contractual arrangements to be defined. The Authority may request a practical demonstration of proposed solutions as part of the tender evaluation process at a location to be determined by the Authority. Electronic trading: Potential suppliers should note the mandatory requirement for electronic trading using the Contracting, Purchasing and Finance (CP&F) electronic procurement tool. All payments for Contractor Deliverables under the Contract shall only be made via CP&F. You can find details on CP&F at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/mod-contracting-purchasing-and-financ.... Information on Subcontracting: At ITN stage, tenderers will need to indicate in their tender any share of the contract it may intend to subcontract to third parties and any proposed subcontractor, as well as the subject-matter of the subcontractors for which they are proposed (if applicable). The Authority reserve the right to modify the Key Characteristics and procurement dates prior to the release of the Invitation to Negotiate (ITN).
Renewal Options
Options including a Contract extension up to an additional 24 months, subject to Ministry of Defence approval.
CPV Codes
- 35613000 - Unmanned aerial vehicles
- This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
- Options are available.
- Renewals are available.
Other Information
You should be aware that the PQQ shall be evaluated using the AWARD Evaluation Tool Potential suppliers should register for access to the data room via this link: https://award.bravosolution.co.uk/ftuas2/web/project/a6739ee7-4d34-44dd-b206-9ed... Each individual from an interested supplier is required to complete and upload their signed “FTUAS Data Room” Document and the Official Secrets Act to the AWARD site as per the website address above, prior to being granted access to the DPQQ documents. The date and time for receipt of expressions of interest in participating in the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire is: Date: 01st July 2021 Time: 23:59 (BST ** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** Security during the PQQ Procedure During the PQQ procedure, the level of classification of the information or material that will need to be protected, processed, stored or transmitted by suppliers will be a maximum of Official Sensitive. Security during the Tendering Procedure During the invitation to negotiate procedure, the level of classification of the information or material that will need to be protected, processed, stored or transmitted by the Authority to Tenderers will be a maximum of UK Secret. To enable the Authority to transmit UK Secret information or material to a Tenderer, suppliers will need to advise the Authority of their designated List X Facility, or one that holds an equivalent Facility Security Clearance (FSC) status. In addition, prior to receiving tender documentation, Tenderers will need to provide evidence that they have the personnel with the necessary security clearance to protect, process, store and transmit information or material with a maximum classification of UK Secret. Should the Authority determine that there is insufficient evidence that the Supplier has met the facility security and/or personnel security conditions the supplier will be unable to participate in the invitation to negotiate exercise. Security during the Performance of the Contract Prior to the deployment of the FTUAS System, the level of classification of the information or material that will need to be protected, processed, stored or transmitted by the Contractor will be a maximum level of UK Secret. Air Vehicle - Once the FTUAS System has been deployed, the maximum level of classification of the information or material with regards to the air vehicle that will need to be protected, processed, stored or transmitted during periods of support provided by the Contractor will be a maximum of UK SECRET. Ground Control Station (GCS) – Once the FTUAS GCS has been deployed, the maximum level of classification of the information or material with regards to the GCS that will need to be protected, processed, stored or transmitted during periods of activities of support provided by the Contractor will be a maximum of SECRET UK EYES ONLY (SUKEO). Field Service Representatives (FSRs) / embarked Trainers – Once the FTUAS System has been deployed, the maximum level of classification of the information or material that will need to be protected, processed, stored or transmitted during the conduct of the services by Contractor’s FSRs / embarked trainers will be a maximum of Secret UK Eyes Only. As such, the ability to provide appropriately security cleared personnel will be assessed as part of the ITN, and then within a reasonable time after contract award, the Contractor will need to provide details to the Authority of its deployable personnel with the necessary security clearance to protect, process, store and transmit information or material with a maximum classification of SECRET UK EYES ONLY (SUKEO). This is used to designate classified assets to UK national interests and cannot be shared with overseas contractor’s personnel. The link below to the Gov.uk website provides information on the Government Security Classification Insert Link: https//www.gov.uk/government/publications/government-security-classifications Participation: Interested suppliers are then required to complete the Dynamic Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (DPQQ) to provide the Authority with information to evaluate the supplier’s capacity and capability against the selection criteria: The Authority will use the DPQQ response to create a shortlist of tenderers who: (i) are eligible to participate; (ii) fulfil any minimum economic, financial, professional and technical standards, as mandated by Defence and Security Public Contracting Regulations 2011; and (iii) best meet, in terms of capacity and capability, the selection criteria set out in this notice and the DPQQ. Further details of the method for choosing the tenderers is set out in the DPQQ.
- ocds-h6vhtk-02b502
- FTS 011664-2021