HCC 05/21- Provision Of Apprenticeship Levy Training Provider Framework

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Framework (Services)
2 year
27 May 2021
16 Aug 2021 to 15 Aug 2023
30 Jun 2021 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


Hertfordshire County Council 'The Council'- wishes to procure a Framework Agreement of external Training Providers who are accredited to RoATP (the Government's approved Register of Approved Training Providers) to deliver quality apprenticeships across a variety of areas throughout Hertfordshire and adjoining counties. The Framework Agreement will be awarded on behalf of Hertfordshire County Council and managed or other Participating Bodies. The following contracting entities are 'Participating Bodies' for the purposes of this Framework Agreement: Any present or future trading arm, wholly owned company, mutual, joint venture, trust and shared service of Hertfordshire County Council. Those Hertfordshire community, foundation, free, studio, voluntary aided and voluntary controlled schools and academies. Hertfordshire Borough and District Councils. The Council intends for this Framework Agreement to be flexible and continue to meet the needs of the Council and the Participating Bodies as new apprenticeship Standards are approved by Government. The Services required under this Framework Agreement have been split into the following Lots, and Training Providers may bid for the Standards advertised within one, some or all of the Lots-The Training Provider will NOT be required to Bid for all the Standards advertised within any given Lot. Lot 1 Business, Leadership and Management Lot 2 Finance Lot 3 Technology Lot 4 Legal Lot 5 Health and Community Services Lot 6 Children's Services Lot 7 Environment and Property Lot 8 Community Protection Lot 9 Schools Lot 10 Libraries The estimated total value of the Framework Agreement is ?16,000,000 and is for the core period inclusive of the approximate value for extensions. The Framework Agreement will be awarded for a core period of 2 years, with the option to extend this up to two (2) further years, year on year. Please note that the requirements of the Framework Agreement will be subject to available financial resources, supplier performance and flexibility to meet changing demands. In addition, there will be no form of exclusivity or volume that is guaranteed under the resultant Framework Agreement and the Council will be entitled to enter into other Contracts and arrangements with other Providers for the provision of any, or all, of the requirements which are the same as, or similar to those specified under the established Framework Agreement.

CPV Codes

  • 80400000 - Adult and other education services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Please note Hertfordshire County Council has worked closely with its districts and partners to create a joint procurement portal called supply Hertfordshire. This portal provides an e-Tendering system which is run by In-Tend. To access this procurement opportunity please visit www.supplyhertfordshire.uk and follow the on-screen guidance., the Council`s procurement documents are available within the e-Tendering system. This is a one stage procurement process. Therefore, if you wish to be considered as a tenderer you must complete and submit a tender by the specified closing date and time. Tender submissions cannot be uploaded after this return deadline. If you are experiencing problems In-Tend offer a help section which includes a dedicated UK support desk which can be contacted via email: support@in-tend.com or Telephone: +44 1144070065 for any website/technical questions, Monday to Friday, 8:30-17:30. The Council reserves the right at any time to cease the procurement process and not award a Framework Agreement or to award only part of the opportunity described in this notice. If the Council takes up this right, then they will not be responsible for or pay the expenses or losses, which may be incurred by any organisation or tenderer as a result. The Council undertakes to hold confidential any information provided in the proposal submitted, subject to the Council`s obligations under the law including the Freedom of Information Act 2000. If the organisation considers that any of the information submitted in the proposal should not be disclosed because of its sensitivity then this should be stated with the reason for considering it sensitive. The Council will then endeavour to consult with the applicant about such sensitive information when considering any request received under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 before replying to such a request. The Council reserves the right to carry out additional financial checks on all organisations bidding for this opportunity at any time during the procurement process. This is to ensure that they continue to meet the Council`s requirements and remain financially viable to fulfil the requirements under the Framework Agreement. The services advertised in this notice fall under the services listed in Annex XIV to Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council and the contracting authority is not obliged to follow The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 in full. The procurement process that will apply to the services is specified in the procurement documents accordingly. Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No Additional information on how to apply for this contract

