PROJ 10075 Strengthening PFM, Anti-corruption and Accountability Institutions in Sierra Leone (PFM+)
A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 3 year (est.)
- Value
- ___
- Sector
- Published
- 28 May 2021
- Delivery
- To 27 Jun 2024 (est.)
- Deadline
- n/a
East Kilbride
3 buyers
- Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office East Kilbride
1 supplier
- Unnamed None
The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO) is procuring a service provider to design, manage and deliver a new flagship public financial management (PFM), domestic revenue mobilisation (DRM), anti-corruption and accountability project in Sierra Leone: ‘PFM+’. This will form the main component under the second phase of the FCDO Sierra Leone programme ‘Strengthening Public Financial Management, Anti-Corruption and Accountability Institutions in Sierra Leone’.
Total Quantity or Scope
The project outcome is to increase DRM, strengthen PFM, and build inclusive, transparent and accountable institutions that foster political participation and fight corruption. This will contribute to: — increased domestic resources for investments in human capital and greater value for money (VfM) in their use, — strengthened fiscal and macroeconomic management for economic development, — progress in addressing the drivers of instability in the context of demographic change; and — progress towards a demographic transition and a demographic dividend in the long-term. Delivery will take place through: • strategic advice, mentoring, technical assistance (TA) and capacity development to support reform across key public sector actors through politically informed approaches. This will be a mix of long-term positions and short-term support for specific pieces of work. TA will be accompanied by a complementary input budget to support complementary activities. • support to civil society and investments in public sector transparency, building accountability mechanisms, feedback loops and the capacity of civil society organisations (CSOs) to hold government accountable. Support will be delivered through a combination of technical assistance, a complementary input budget, and support to civil society, including project financing. Capacity building will be explicitly addressed in all support, including that to civil society. Civil society support will require the supplier to play a strategic coordinating role to maximise the impact and influence of civil society actors alongside providing project financing to civil society organisations to deliver specific pieces of work, research or data. The supplier is required to work politically and ensure approaches are underpinned by robust political economy analysis. The supplier will be accountable to FCDO as the funding entity. They will report directly to the programme Senior Responsible Officer PFM+ will provide support to the following recipients: • Government MDAs: National Revenue Authority, Ministry of Finance, Accountant General’s Office. Possibly Ministry of Health, Ministry of Basic and Secondary School Education and associated Agencies (e.g. Teacher Service Commission), and Office of the Chief Minister. • Oversight institutions: e.g. National Public Procurement Authority, the Independent Procurement Review Panel, Anti-Corruption Commission, the Judiciary (in relation to anti-corruption), Audit Service Sierra Leone, Parliament and parliamentary committees. • Domestic civil society organisations and other relevant bodies working in the programme’s focus areas to provide oversight and hold the government accountable for the delivery of reforms in financial management, revenue and anti-corruption. Note that the advertised maximum contract value includes budget for a flexible technical assistance facility. More details can be found in the tender documentation.
Award Detail
1 | Unnamed (None)
Renewal Options
The contract will run up until March 2024, with a maximum value of up to GBP 17 650 000. The end date is fixed and if the contract is not awarded on time as planned this may result in a shorter duration contract. The contract will include an option to extend by an additional 24 months and up to an additional GBP 10 000 000 in value. The total value advertised of GBP 27 650 000 includes the extension budget.
Award Criteria
Technical evaluation criteria | 60.0 |
Commercial evaluation criteria | 40.0 |
CPV Codes
- 75211200 - Foreign economic-aid-related services
- Options are available.
- Award on basis of price and quality.
- OJEU 269842-2021