Road Coring Services
A Utilities Contract Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Framework (Services)
- Duration
- 8 year
- Value
- 520K
- Sector
- Published
- 01 Jun 2021
- Delivery
- To 30 Jun 2029 (est.)
- Deadline
- 30 Jun 2021 23:00
2 buyers
- Scottish Water Glasgow
This framework will cover the provision of road coring services on a pan-Scotland basis including laboratory testing of the core samples extracted on behalf of Scottish Water or its delivery partners. Both the on-site road coring services and the laboratory testing services are required to be undertaken by the same company. Service provision will apply to both a programme of work and on an ad hoc basis as required and with a 1-week turnaround time where requested.
Total Quantity or Scope
This framework will cover the provision of road coring services on a pan-Scotland basis including laboratory testing of the core samples extracted on behalf of Scottish Water or its delivery partners. Both the on-site road coring services and the laboratory testing services are required to be undertaken by the same company. Service provision will apply to both a programme of work and on an ad hoc basis as required and with a 1-week turnaround time where requested. It is a mandatory requirement that framework provider be UKAS accredited for every sampling and testing activity type undertaken. Coring services shall be carried out in accordance with Roads and Utilities Committee Scotland (RAUCS) Advice Note 3. Core samples are required with a range of diameters to include: 100mm Core, 150mm core, 300mm core and 140mm minimum core (with an external barrel diameter of less than 150mm). The framework provider is required to provide these services in accordance with the Specification of Reinstatements and Openings in Roads (SROR) in force at the time of reinstatement. It is also a mandatory requirement that the awarded contractor must have a location within/ near the central belt region of Scotland to facilitate regular contractor sample/results review visits UKAS accredited core sample extraction services required include: •Provision of appropriate signing, lighting and guarding of works in accordance with “Safety at Street Works and Road Works” A code of Practice •Identification of road surface materials surrounding reinstatement •Assessment of backfill types and classification (where feasible) UKAS accredited core testing services required include: •Visual assessment and description of materials, air void content, indicative layer depth measurements and assessment of inter layer bonding •Indicative Grading Tests for Bound and unbound materials •Full British Standard grading tests for bound and unbound materials •Rolling Straight Edge surface regularity tests •Ability to measure core layer thicknesses to BS EN 12687-36 •Air void testing (in accordance with relevant British Standards) •Percentage refusal density tests •Skid Resistance Testing •Surface Texture Depth Testing •Crushing strength tests of cementitious materials •Frost Heave Test •Clear photographs for Coring Log UKAS Core extraction services should include compiling a safety plan for any site visit operation or programme of operations ordered or instructed by SW or our delivery partners (under CDM regulations)
Renewal Options
Initial award of 4 years with the option of 4x1 year extensions.
CPV Codes
- 71332000 - Geotechnical engineering services
- 71900000 - Laboratory services
- Bids should cover the whole contract.
- Renewals are available.
- Financial restrictions apply.
- Performance considerations apply.
- Award on basis of price and quality.
Other Information
Scottish Water will not accept the SPD. We will only accept a completed Scottish Water PQQ document. This Notice does not preclude Scottish Water from issuing other notices for specific requirements. Responses to the FTS Notice will be evaluated and only successful applicants following PQQ evaluation will be invited to submit a tender. Scottish Water reserves the right to divide the scope of the contract into lots at tender and contract award stages as it deems appropriate. Applicants who fail to supply all of the information requested in response to this Notice or any resulting tender exercise may risk elimination. For more information about this opportunity, please visit the Delta eSourcing portal at: To respond to this opportunity, please click here: GO Reference: GO-202161-PRO-18329541
- FTS 012173-2021