HS2 Post-excavation Services
A Prior Information Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- not specified
- Value
- £0-£45M
- Sector
- Published
- 02 Jun 2021
- Delivery
- not specified
- Deadline
- n/a
United Kingdom:
1 buyer
- High Speed Two HS2 Birmingham
HS2 Ltd is intending to procure a contract for the provision of Post-excavation Services to deliver a programme of post-excavation activities for Phase One and Phase 2a.
Total Quantity or Scope
In collaboration with HS2 Ltd and its existing supply chain, the supplier appointed to deliver the Post-excavation Services will scope and deliver post-excavation analysis, dissemination, publication and archiving for Phase One and Phase 2a of HS2 within the framework provided by the HS2 Ltd’s Historic Environment Research and Delivery Strategy (‘HERDS’). The Post-excavation Services will be undertaken by a suitably qualified and demonstrably experienced organisation. As well as accredited Project Management expertise, the appointed supplier, and where appropriate, their supply chain will have Chartered Institute for Archaeologists ('CIfA') accreditation as Registered Archaeological Organisations ('RAO') and their supervisory staff will have an appropriate level of demonstrable experience for the specific task in question, i.e. full members of CIfA, Institute of Historic Buildings Conservation ('IHBC') or an equivalent professional standing. The capabilities required of the appointed supplier include, but are not limited to: Historic Environment Lead (key person); Archaeological post-excavation management; Historic environment specialisms, e.g. scientific dating and chronology, Building Information Modelling (including Geographic Information System), graphics, finds, environmental archaeology, geoarchaeology, faunal remains, human remains, landscape archaeology, period specialists (e.g. early prehistory, Iron-Age, Romano-British, early-medieval, medieval, post-medieval); Historic environment archiving (physical and digital), including liaison with receiving institutions; Finds liaison and engagement with landowners, including dispute resolution; Benefits management, to set the benefits framework and ensure data is captured, analysed and reported on; Data management, overseeing the delivery of data workstreams; Ad hoc fieldwork liaison, to connect projects in the field to the provision of Post-excavation Services; Key Account Manager (key person) – to oversee the delivery of the contract and commercials; Supply Chain and Logistics Manager (key person) – to procure and manage the supply chain and to facilitate the organisation and transfer of products (such as the physical archives); Health & Safety Management; Communications and external comms (media) management; Stakeholder and interface management; Education and training; Community engagement and events management; and Publication management. The supplier may also consider appointing or procuring strategic level advice in science, dating and ergonomics. Technical products and services likely to be procured from the appointed supplier’s supply chain may include (but are not limited to); research, academic input, digital products, events and exhibitions, field archaeological advice, storage, logistical support (for example movement of physical archives between locations), archaeological post-excavation analysis, archaeological science, books and academic articles. For the avoidance of doubt, historic environment fieldwork services, for example; intrusive surveys, excavation, historic building recording and so forth, relating to construction of Phase One and 2a are out of scope. The physical re-burial of human remains is also out of scope. Additional information: The Market Engagement registration can be accessed via emailing SCC@hs2.org.uk, marking the 'Subject' as "HS2 Post-excavation Services Market Sounding Request".
CPV Codes
- 71351914 - Archaeological services
Other Information
The purpose of this Periodic Indicative Notice ('PIN') is to invite potential suppliers to participate in market engagement with HS2 Ltd in order to inform the development and finalisation of the proposed procurement and contracting approach. Further information on the intended approach and how potential suppliers can participate in HS2 Ltd’s market engagement exercise are set out in II.2.4) and II.2.14) and VI.3) sections below. HS2 Ltd anticipates publishing a Contract Notice in October 2021 to commence the procurement of the contract and this will be a separate Contract Notice with no linkage to this Prior Indicative Notice. ** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** Proposed Procurement and Contracting Approach. 1) It is intended that a contract will be awarded to a single organisation (HS2 Ltd's Heritage Partner). It is anticipated the appointed supplier will draw upon a niche supply chain to ensure seamless contract delivery; 2) The contract is anticipated to be awarded for a duration of seven (7) years; 3) The estimated value of the contract cited in Section II.1.5 is for the full duration of the contract; 4) The resultant contract will be governed by NEC3 Professional Services Contract ('PSC'); 5) The proposed procurement route for the contract is via the Above Threshold Negotiated Procedure as defined within the Utilities Contract Regulations 2016. However, dependent on the outcomes of market engagement with potential suppliers, HS2 Ltd reserves the right to perform an Above Threshold Open or Restricted Procedure; 6) The procurement will be managed via HS2 Ltd’s Jaggaer e-Sourcing portal; 7) HS2 Ltd intends to run the procurement to the indicative timescales below, which may at HS2 Ltd’s sole discretion, be subject to change at any time: - issue of Contract Notice and Pre-Qualification Questionnaire ('PQQ'): October 2021 - receipt of PQQ: November 2021 - issue of Invitation To Tender ('ITT'): March 2022 - receipt of ITT: April 2022 - notification of contract award decision: September 2022 - contract commencement: September 2022 Conditions regarding this PIN: 1) This PIN is not a call for competition and is not published to reduce time limits for the receipt of tenders; 2) This procurement will be launched in due course by the publication of a Contract Notice not linked in anyway to this PIN; 3) HS2 Ltd reserves the right not to commence any procurement or award any contract in respect of this opportunity; 4) The information contained in this PIN may be subject to change due to the impact of governance, assurance, regulatory changes and/or the market engagement outcomes. Insofar as is permitted by law, HS2 Ltd shall not be liable for any losses incurred by any party as a result of reliance on the information contained/linked herein; 5) Failure to register an interest in connection with this PIN shall not prevent an organisation from participating in any formal call for competition.
- ocds-h6vhtk-02b7d1
- FTS 012383-2021