NEL CCG APMS Procurement - Trowbridge Surgery, Rainham Health Centre and Upminster Medical Centre
A Pipeline Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Potential Contract ()
- Duration
- 15 year
- Value
- £26M
- Sector
- Published
- 03 Jun 2021
- Delivery
- 01 Apr 2022 to 31 Mar 2037
- Deadline
- n/a
1 buyer
- NEL CSU London
NHS North East London CCG 'the CCG' (under delegated commissioning on behalf of NHS England) is seeking to procure GP Primary Medical Services and additional services under APMS Contracts delivered from the following sites: • Lot 1 - Trowbridge Surgery, 18 Merriam Avenue, London E9 5NE. • Lot 2 - Main Site - Rainham Health Centre, Upminster Road South, North Rainham, RM13 9AB and Branch Site - Upminster Medical Centre, 224-226 St. Mary's Lane, Upminster, RM14 3DH. The contracts will have an initial term of 5 years (60 months), followed by an optional extension of 5 years (60 months) at the discretion of the commissioner, and followed by a further optional extension of up to 5 years (60 months) at the discretion of the commissioner. If all available extension is taken up in full the contract will have a maximum duration of 15 years (180 months). Contract values within this notice are indicative and based on the current list size and local network improved services. This is a Prior Information Notice to notify potential providers of the future procurement and to allow providers with sufficient opportunity to become accredited providers on the NHS England APMS PDPS (see details below) in order to be eligible to participate in the upcoming procurement process.
Total Quantity or Scope
YEAR: 2021/2022; BUDGET: 1,719,980.00
CPV Codes
- 85121100 - General-practitioner services
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
Other Information
This accreditation can be gained by applying to join the PDPS - please refer to the instructions at the following link: For the avoidance of doubt, if the CCG elects to use the PDPS to manage this procurement (as is the current intention) only those organisations accredited on the PDPS under the London Lot (Lot 1.3) will be invited to participate in the procurement. No Contracts notice will be published for this procurement as this will be a procurement under an existing dynamic purchasing system. The services in the scope of this procurement fall within Schedule 3 to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 ("the Regulations") which are not subject to the full regime of the Regulations, but is instead governed by the "Light Touch Regime" contained within Chapter 3, Section 7 of the Regulations (Regulations 74 to 77). The CCG intends to undertake a further competition/call- off under the existing NHS England APMS PDPS (DPS under the Light Touch Regime) for the subsequent procurement.. Neither the use of PIN, a Further Competition stage, a DPS, nor the use of any language or terms found in the Regulations, nor the description of the procedure voluntarily adopted by the Authority nor any other indication, shall be taken to mean that the Authority intends to hold itself bound by the Regulations, save those applicable to services coming within the scope of Regulations 74 to 77 The procurement call-off is expected to be published in late July 2021. In order to ensure that providers have their application submissions to join the PDPS evaluated in time for inclusion in the further competition, they should submit their PDPS applications as soon as possible and, in any event, before 2nd July 2021. Applications received after this date may not be evaluated prior to the further competition publication and therefore the providers that are not accredited before the call -off publication will not be eligible to take part in the call-off process. For the avoidance of doubt, only those organisations that are accredited on the PDPS by the call-off publication date will be invited to participate in the procurement. Please direct any questions to the following email address: Lot 1: A single APMS contract with delivery of services from Trowbridge Surgery, 18 Merriam Avenue, London E9 5NE. The contract start date is 01 April 2022 with the contract end date of 31 March 2027 (not inclusive of 5+5 extension options that will be included in the contract offer). The estimated contract value (APMS baseline + Risk premium) Lot 1: £705,956.04 annually or £10,589,340.60 over 15 years. The Primary Medical Services to be delivered to a registered list of 7,161 patients (weighted list 7,111.70) on 1 April 2021. Lot 2: A single APMS contract with delivery of services from two site; Main Site - Rainham Health Centre, Upminster Road South, North Rainham, RM13 9AB and Branch Site - Upminster Medical Centre, 224-226 St. Mary's Lane, Upminster, RM14 3DH. The contract start date is 01 April 2022 with the contract end date of 31 March 2027 (not inclusive of 5+5 extension options that will be included in the contract offer). The estimated Contract value Incl. NIS: Lot 2 is £1,014,024 annually or £15,210,360 over 15 years. Primary Medical Services to two newly merged lists with a combined registered list of 8,856 patients (weighted list 8022.14) - to be delivered from both the two practices' existing sites. NEL CSU is conducting this procurement exercise for and on behalf of the CCG. The purpose of this PIN is to inform the market of a possible procurement. In issuing this PIN and engaging with the market, the Authority is not committing to carrying out any procurement in relation to PDPS advert and associated link to apply for accreditation Market Engagement Questionnaire (Deadline 14 June 2021) Portal for call-off. Accredited Bidders must have a registered account on this portal before they can be invited to bid at the call off stage. Market Engagement Pack PRJ1035 NEL CCG APMS - PIN and Market Engagement Pack v7.pdf
- PRJ1035 - PIN
- CF 8967b555-702a-4e04-b2ba-9d42e13acfc1