Furniture for Innovation Hub for the I-Construct Project

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Products)
2 month
08 Jul 2021
05 Aug 2021 to 08 Oct 2021
03 Aug 2021 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


The I-Construct project helps small and medium businesses (SMEs) in the construction and built environment sector embrace innovation and access new business opportunities. It currently offers three types of support - grant funding, mentoring and access to a supply chain development network - with the intention of supporting SMEs involved in construction and its supply chain to innovate and grow. The I-Construct network will bring the construction industry together and help SMEs join local supply chains, access new business opportunities, find other industry professionals and identify potential partners. From November 2021, network members will also benefit from the new I-Construct Innovation Hub, which is opening in Braintree, Essex and is owned by Braintree District Council. The space will be used for networking events, product launches and talks by experts on relevant topics for the I-Construct project as well as being used as a conference and meetings centre, run by Braintree District Council. The building is being built at present to BREEAM Excellent standards and has been designed to be a contemporary and sustainable construction hub. The furniture is expected to complement and enhance the building in line with the interior design that was recently completed. I-Construct is led by the Haven Gateway Partnership with support from its delivery partners: Braintree District Council, BRE (Building Research Establishment), Colchester Institute, and Daedalus Environmental. It is part-funded through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and HM Government until the end of 2022. Match-funding is also being provided by Braintree District Council for the I-Construct Innovation Hub and BRE to link the project to their national initiatives. We require proposals for the provision of furniture for the Innovation Hub. The furniture should complement the interior design proposals as well as the architecture of the building.

CPV Codes

  • 39000000 - Furniture (incl. office furniture), furnishings, domestic appliances (excl. lighting) and cleaning products


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Bidders are required to complete and return the bidding documents by e-mail to Lisa Brazier, I-Construct Innovation Hub Furniture RFQ_quality_questions_and_specifica....doc Brief for Innovation Hub Furniture.docx Furniture Schedule.xlsx BA-XX-GF-DR-A-0200PR05 - Prop Grd Fl Plan.pdf P19-094-BA-XX-01-DR-A-0201PR05 - Proposed First Floor Plan.pdf I-CONSTRUCT VISION 8.pdf Innovation Hub Furniture Price Matrix.xlsx RFQ_Bidders General Guidance.doc RFQ_terms_and_conditions.doc

