Minor Illness Service in Kingston

A Pipeline Notice

Contracts Finder
Potential Contract ()
3 year
26 Jul 2021
20 Sep 2021 to 30 Sep 2024



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


• To provide a booked minor illness service for local residents to include residents of Kingston, Richmond and East Elmbridge. This includes adults and children. • To provide 10 hours of bookable appointments, 7 days per week. • To provide a minimum of 4 face to face appointments per hour and 6 telephone consultations per hour • To be set up to receive referrals streamed via NHS 111 into a booked appointment. • To provide a workforce which has the experience and competence to manage patients presenting with symptoms of minor illness • To provide a governance framework to ensure that the service provided is of a high standard, that the staff are suitably experienced, trained and accredited, that risk management processes are in place and that a robust process for escalation is managed and monitored. The scope of practice in the community urgent treatment service (CUTS) is to see and treat minor illness in adults and children and will cover the catchment area of residents who attend Kingston Hospital, predominately but not exclusively the residents of Kingston, Richmond and East Elmbridge. • Adults and Children with minor illness • Adults and Children with a problem that may need further investigation, or observation, but who are not regarded as requiring the ED. • open for a minimum of 10 hours per day Monday - Sunday including bank holidays ( opening times to reflect demand and to be flexible) • Three bookable slots per hour on average • provide both pre-booked and same day appointments available for direct booking from NHS 111. Provide appointments for both GP registered and non registered patients • must have systems in place to offer booked appointments to patients by a single phone call to NHS 111 • must be able to issue prescriptions, and e-prescriptions where appropriate for the care being provided for their appointment. • must be able to signpost patients to a local mental health advice and services and links to community-based crisis services. • must have a protocol in place to manage critically ill and injured adults and children who present at the service. • must ensure there is equipment available to commence resuscitation if required prior to an ambulance arriving on scene and this equipment must be compliant with Resuscitation Council (UK) guidelines • must ensure at least one member of staff trained in adult and paediatric resuscitation must be present at all times. This Notice invites expressions of interest through completion of the attached Market Engagement Questionnaire to establish interest to provide this service. This contract wil be awarded by Kingston Hospital with the support of South West London CCG

Total Quantity or Scope

YEAR: 2021/2022; BUDGET: 200,000.00 YEAR: 2022/2023; BUDGET: 400,000.00

CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

The current commissioning timetable involves an assumed competitive procurement to take place as early as August 2021, following this market engagement phase which seeks to identify and prepare providers to participate. ***TO EXPRESS YOUR INTEREST in this opportunity, you are invited to complete and return a brief Market Engagement Questionnaire (MEQ) by 16.00 on 6th August 2021 Please respond by email to susan.shaw25@nhs.net with the email subject heading "Market engagement Response - Minor Illness Service in Kingston" The contracting authority may make direct contact with any providers expressing an interest to determine the subsequent level of interest and to validate the commissioning assumptions of ahead of any procurement process. This may include sharing of latest / finalised service specification and commercial model. Specification Specification_Minor Illness Service in Kingston_Draft v3.docx MEQ Docuent MEQ_SWL CCG_Minor Illness Service in Kingston_Draft v1.2_19July2021 (002).docx

