PIN for Community Works - Into Work Project

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract ()
not specified
06 Aug 2021
01 Jan 2001 to 01 Jan 2001
10 Sep 2021 23:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Pre-Market Engagement Community Works - Into Work project, 2021-2023 The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea is seeking to engage suppliers with direct experience of working with local residents and supporting them during their journeys into sustainable employment. Key areas of expertise could include but are not limited to: - Working with groups facing multiple barriers to employment - Working with employers to access job opportunities - Added value through developing links with complementary services and support - Understanding of the impact of the Grenfell tragedy and the communities of north Kensington and trusted to work effectively within the community - Credibility and trust to work successfully within the priority communities, with knowledge, skill, and empathy. - Post-employment support to assist sustained employment - Effective policy implementation, especially in regards to Health and Safety, Equalities and Business Continuity The key aim of the project will be to develop and deliver: - Customised advice from dedicated and qualified employment advisers to help residents into sustainable employment. This will include access to one-to-one support for individuals and will be informed by personalised action plans. Residents will also be provided with relevant post-employment help. Revenue funds of up to £190,000, over a 24-month period are available, subject to satisfactory achievement of contractual performance indicators and monitoring of impacts. Procurement Route Following the conclusion of this Pre-Market Engagement, the Council will decide how, if at all, it should approach the market in order to procure these services.

CPV Codes

  • 98000000 - Other community, social and personal services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

The Council very much hopes that this opportunity will spark a lively interest from organisations with relevant skills and experience. If that is the case, the Council will publish an Opportunity Notice on the Contracts Finder Website, inviting organisations to submit offers via the CapitalEsourcing portal to provide the services. It will also ensure that participants taking part in the pre-market engagement are informed of the opportunity. However, if there is little or no interest from suitable organisations, the Council reserves the right to pursue an internal solution, using its own resources to provide the services and reserves the right not to make an award of contract. To register your expression of interest kindly visit our e-tendering portal; and search for the following reference: prj_RBKC_19300 - Community Works by 17:00 on 10th September 2021. If you have any questions prior to the event please submit these through the e-tendering portal. Background Within the Grenfell Recovery Strategy there is a commitment to support the employment and skills ambitions of residents in the wider community that have been impacted by the tragedy, outlined by two key action points: - Work with the community to agree area of focus for the project, taking into account consultation to date, the targeted Grenfell focus, and the needs of resident - Design and deliver a community-based commissioning project in this area To help meet this commitment, a project was developed under the working title Community Works. This project has focused on working with residents, in workshops and small groups over several sessions, and with local partners to identify what support is needed and to develop ideas into potential projects to meet those needs. This project will focus on provision to assist residents impacted by the tragedy (residents of RBKC, in the community affected). The focus of the employment support for this project is to assist residents in the wider community who are most likely to be living within the wards of north Kensington in the areas adjacent to Grenfell. These include Notting Dale, St Helen's, Dalgarno, Golborne and Colville as the northern-most wards of the borough. Residents will be of working age, eligible to work in the UK and require assistance to prepare for an obtain employment, or self-employment. It can also assist residents in low paid or sporadic employment seeking to progress into more sustainable employment or a job with the potential for progression. Some residents may be changing careers as a result of impacts and the support can be extended to assist such residents. The employment support provided will include personalised employment support to assist residents to prepare for, seek and secure sustainable employment. The appointed provider is expected to deliver the support from locations accessible to the local communities within the borough and to engage and work very closely in partnership with the agencies and organisations working with and supporting these communities (Resident's Associations, Statutory agencies, Voluntary and Community Organisations, education institutions and the Council's Economic Development Team. A strong commitment to effective outreach and local engagement will be essential. The context of the support requires the service to provide with care and attention from qualified advisers, demonstrating empathy and if not trained in working with people affected by trauma will undergo relevant training as part of the project. Employment support activities are delivered in the borough by a range of organisations and agencies, including the Department of Work and Pensions (Jobcentre) and their contractors, local voluntary of community providers and housing providers. The Into Work project is focused upon additional localised support, in the context of the Grenfell Recovery and does not replace or duplicate other borough wide support.

