The Harmonia Village - provision of residential nursing care and support services to people living with dementia
A Pre-Procurement Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Future Contract ()
- Duration
- not specified
- Value
- ___
- Sector
- Published
- 01 Sep 2021
- Delivery
- 01 Jan 2001 to 01 Jan 2001
- Deadline
- 06 Oct 2021 23:59
1 buyer
- East Kent Hospitals University Canterbury
Owned, and currently operated, by East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust (the 'Trust'), the Harmonia Village in Dover, Kent aims to provide better care and support for people living with dementia ('PLWD'), so that they can live happier and healthier lives. Part of a wider Interreg VA 2Seas programme known as Community Areas of Sustainable Care and Dementia Excellence in Europe ('CASCADE'), the Harmonia Village offers on-site 24 hours a day, seven days a week residential nursing home care and support for up to i) 30 PLWD who require long-term placements across six houses, and ii) six hotel style booked 'guest rooms' - within the communal building (the 'Hub') - offering short-term placements to PLWD and their visiting carers / family. The Hub is at the heart of the Harmonia Village, offering PLWD, their guests and visitors, other organisations and the public, access to a café and multi-purpose rooms, where daily activities, events and services can provide stimulating and creative activities to PLWD to boost their health and well-being. Further information about the Harmonia Village is available from The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the Trust's ability to deliver the services as originally intended, so much so that the Trust is now looking to outsource the operational delivery of the residential nursing home care and support services at the Harmonia Village to a suitably experienced provider who will partner with the Trust, and share in its vision, to deliver a new approach to care of PLWD.
CPV Codes
- 85144100 - Residential nursing care services
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
- Contract is suitable for VCOs.
Other Information
Interested providers of CQC registered accommodation for persons aged 65 years and over living with dementia and who require 'nursing' and 'treatment of disease, disorder or injury' care are invited to: a) register for, and attend, a virtual market warming engagement event, and discussion group, with the Trust's commissioners, which is anticipated to take place w/c 20th September 2021. NB up to two representatives from an interested provider may register, with guidance on how to do so available within the Attachments section of the e-Tendering portal; and b) additionally register for - if the interested provider wishes to do so after the virtual market warming engagement event - and attend, an individual virtual Q & A session with the Trust's commissioners. Each session is anticipated to last a maximum of one hour; and c) complete a series of questions about viable service delivery models which will help the Trust to achieve its vision for the Harmonia Village and partnership working, with responses to be submitted via the e-Tendering portal by no later than 12:00 noon on Wednesday, 6th October 2021. Suitably experienced providers wishing to express an interest in this potential future opportunity are encouraged to register via the Trust's e-Tendering system, Bravo Solution, website address: Instructions for registering an interest are as follows: a) click 'View current opportunities and notices'. b) express an interest in the project pqq_1097 - The Harmonia Village - provision of residential nursing care and support services to people living with dementia. It should be noted that this is NOT the actual Selection Questionnaire stage of the potential procurement exercise. System limitations mean that the label states 'PQQ' but the procurement opportunity is NOT yet live. You will be informed if, and when, the procurement goes live. c) register for up to two representatives to attend the virtual market warming engagement event, and discussion group, with the Trust's commissioners, anticipated to take place w/c 20th September 2021. d) accurately complete and fully submit your answers to the questionnaire by no later than 12:00 noon on Wednesday, 6th October 2021. Full details about the Trust's requirements will be published within any subsequent invitation to participate in any future public procurement process that the Trust may conduct. Please note that a response to this early engagement / prior information notice does not guarantee any subsequent invitation to participate in any future public procurement process that the Trust may conduct nor award of any contract as a result. If any procurement is carried out, then this will be strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Public Contract Regulations 2015. If, and when, the Trust's tender is published, then it will be advertised on the following websites: Furthermore, this prior information notice does not constitute a call for competition to procure any such services for the Trust nor is the Trust bound to accept any proposals offered. The Trust is not liable for any costs, fees or expenses incurred by any interested provider participating in this activity and the Trust reserves the right (at its own discretion) to pursue alternative routes for the provision of such services at Harmonia Village should it decide to do so.
- tender_282409/993081
- CF 30cd82e1-49cc-47a7-af43-960a4e0b7238