2021 Social Care - Framework agreement for the provision of Support at Home Services in Aberdeenshire
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Framework (Services)
- Duration
- 4 year
- Value
- £160M
- Sector
- Published
- 06 Sep 2021
- Delivery
- To 01 Oct 2025 (est.)
- Deadline
- 22 Oct 2021 11:00

1 buyer
- Aberdeenshire Council Aberdeen
Aberdeenshire Council on behalf of the Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership require to tender for a Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of Support at Home Services for people who meet eligibility criteria aged 16 years and over with a range of needs, who require assistance through support to live independently and to develop, regain or retain their daily living skills, through provision of personal care, personal support and/or housing support, providing the right care and support in the right place. The requirement is for the provision of support at home services in supported accommodation. Support will include personal care, housing support, and social care. The services will be provided to adults with moderate, substantial and critical levels of need linked to eligibility criteria that are principal house-holders in tenancies in a range of settings that include dispersed single occupancy properties; shared tenancies; houses of multiple occupation; and core and cluster, project-based and extra-care model resources. There is a requirement for low level visiting support for over 2000 adults in the community. The commissioned Support at Home service works alongside Aberdeenshire Council’s in-house Care at Home service to support the needs of individuals assessed as requiring services to continue to live as independently as possible in their own homes.Support at home services will be registered with the Care Inspectorate as Support Services – Care at Home and/or Housing Support Services; and compliance with Health and Social Care Standards is required. Services will be commissioned under flexible and responsive, co-produced contractual arrangements that are outcome-focused.
Total Quantity or Scope
Aberdeenshire Council on behalf of the Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership require to tender for a Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of Support at Home Services for people who meet eligibility criteria aged 16 years and over with a range of needs, who require assistance through support to live independently and to develop, regain or retain their daily living skills, through provision of personal care, personal support and/or housing support, providing the right care and support in the right place.This procurement seeks to support strategic commissioning that delivers effective and efficient services that respond to increasing demand, reducing budgets and demographic and policy changes. Services will be commissioned under flexible and responsive, co-produced contractual arrangements that are outcome-focused.Support at home services will be registered with the Care Inspectorate as Support Services – Care at Home and/or Housing Support Services; and compliance with Health and Social Care Standards is required. The Services will be delivered with an enabling ethos to enable people to establish, remain in, or return to, their own homes, living as independently as possible and to achieve and maintain or increase their potential in relation to physical, intellectual, emotional and social capacity, whilst improving experiences within their own communities and supporting improvement to their quality of life, confidence and experiences. The services will be provided for people with a range of needs including, older people, people with a learning disability, people with mental health problems, people with physical disabilities, autistic people, people with sensory impairment and people with substance misuse problems. The service will include low level visiting support for whom the primary client group is older people; and intensive support to adults in designated accommodation-based support services for whom the primary client group is adults with learning disabilities. Providers will be encouraged to offer innovative and alternative ways of supporting people to achieve individual outcomes through affordable and effective service delivery mechanisms, and where appropriate the use of technological interventions.
CPV Codes
- 85300000 - Social work and related services
Other Information
** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** SPD Questions. Please note Question 4B.4 – Financial Assessment of Providers 1.The Council shall obtain a Creditsafe credit check and will score bidders accordingly: 71 - 100 Very Low Risk – Accept 51 - 70 Low Risk - Accept 30 - 50 Moderate Risk – subject to further discussion internally with the option to reject. 21-29 High Risk – subject to further discussion internally with the option to reject. 1-20 Very High Risk – Reject. 2. Please state current turnover (if contract value is over 50% of reported turnover, further discussion will be had internally with the option to reject). 3. If you are under no obligation to publish accounts on Companies House and/or do not have a comprehensive credit rating then provide audited financial accounts for the previous two years. Both quick and current ratios should be a minimum of 1:1.5 for the two successive years. Bidders whose ratios do not meet the minimum criteria will be rejected. Bidders who can provide audited accounts but chose not to do so shall be rejected. 4. Bidders who have been trading for less than one year and cannot provide audited accounts must submit the cash flow for the current year and a letter from the bank outlining the current cash and credit position for the current year and subsequent year. This will be subject to internal discussion with the option to reject. 5. If bidder still does not meet the financial criteria for consideration but has a parent company that does, the firm may still be eligible for consideration where their submission is supported by a parent company guarantee. 4.B.5 Insurance It is a requirement of this contract that bidders hold, or can commit to obtain prior to the commencement of any subsequently awarded contract, the types and levels of insurance indicated below: Employer’s Liability Insurance = 10m Public Liability Insurance = 5m The Council may choose to admit additional providers during the framework term. Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015 The buyer is using PCS-Tender to conduct this ITT exercise. The Project code is 19596. For more information see: http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/info/InfoCentre.aspx?ID=2343 A sub-contract clause has been included in this contract. For more information see: http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/info/InfoCentre.aspx?ID=2363 Community benefits are included in this requirement. For more information see: http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/info/InfoCentre.aspx?ID=2361 A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided as follows: Specific Community Benefits objectives for this procurement are: Fair Work Practices (FWP) Supplementary Community Benefits are in relation to the themes of Innovation and Collaboration. (SC Ref:666109)
- ocds-h6vhtk-02dd9d
- FTS 022062-2021