Competitive Sports Opportunities for Girls

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
5 month
07 Sep 2021
25 Oct 2021 to 31 Mar 2022
28 Sep 2021 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Department for Education
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


The Department for Education (DfE) is seeking to appoint a suitably experienced single contractor to support the delivery of the programme to improve and increase competitive school sport and sport leadership opportunities for girls The contractor can be either one organisation, or a group of economic operators. In accordance to the public contract regulations Open Procedure DfE has published this Contract Notice, which is a call for competition, following the PIN published earlier for ESEE - The market engagement which was not call for competition, the documents are available along with the ITT documents within the DFE Jaggaer system. Interested parties will need to register via Jaggaer to access the documents. Description of the procurement DfE is seeking to appoint a suitably experienced single contractor to: - - To improve and increase competitive school sport opportunities for girls at school. - To improve and increase sport leadership opportunities for girls at school. - To increase opportunities for girls to achieve 60 active minutes every day. - To increase the engagement and participation of girls with sport leadership and school sport The potential contractor must have national reach, ensuring relevance to schools across the country, rather than a focus on local barriers which may not be replicated on a wider scale. Be open to both primary and secondary pupils. Comes from an organisation that can demonstrate expertise in school sport and physical activity in schools with a proven track record of delivering high quality programmes with schools. The bid from the Potential Contractor must promotes opportunities to build character, such as resilience, leadership and self-belief. Demonstrates knowledge of barriers girls face in access competitive sport and sport leadership opportunities.

CPV Codes

  • 80000000 - Education and training services
  • 92000000 - Recreational, cultural and sporting services


  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Once the ITT has closed, applications will undergo an initial desktop assessment based on the criteria and weighting set out in the prospectus and application pack, following which there will be a moderation of those results before final award and mobilisation. The DfE will administer the procurement processes electronically via the DfE e-Tendering Portal: Jaggaer. No hard copy documents will be issued and all communications with DfE (including final submission of tenders) will be conducted via the Jaggaer Portal. Bidders who are not already registered on the portal can register here: When registered and signed in to Jaggaer you will need to express an interest in the opportunity to be able to access all relevant documentation including the application pack. For any assistance required in registering bidders should contact the Jaggaer helpdesk: DfE confirm that the initial contract period for this procurement is one years and the total budget available for the first one year is £392,000. DfE reserve the right to extend the contract up to twice, each time for a single year duration, subject to the following conditions: (1) Satisfactory performance of the contractor to date (judgement to be solely at the discretion of the DfE); (2) Availability of the budget; and (3) Policy commitment to continue the initiative. If the contract runs for a total of three years, then a total budget of £1,176 million will be available.

