Provision and Support of the 101 Single Non-Emergency Number (101 SNEN) (ref C19530)

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
5 year
09 Sep 2021
01 Apr 2022 to 31 Mar 2027
13 Oct 2021 00:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


The Authority requires a partner to manage, operate and administer the 101 Single Non-Emergency Number (101 SNEN), which allows the UK Public to make non-emergency contact with their local Police Force. The 101 number receives approximately 30 million calls per year, providing Critical National Infrastructure and supporting 46 UK Police Forces/Police Services in their purpose of protecting the UK Public. It provides the Public with a straightforward means of contacting their relevant local Police Force and removes the requirement for members of the Public to remember the numbers of individual Policing organisations. The mission of the 101 SNEN Programme is to enhance the capability, efficiency and consistency of this service. Its mission statement is therefore to create: "A nationally consistent service for non-emergency contact to the appropriate public authority" The Authority's requirements have been designed to achieve this objective by enabling the onboarding of additional Public Authorities to the system to expand the scope of service beyond just the Police Forces. A form of Automated Triage is sought to allow calls not most appropriately handled by the police to be identified as early as possible, informing the caller of this assessment while enabling them to continue to contact the police if they feel it appropriate; improving the quality of the service without increasing the burden of expected knowledge on the caller. Subject to Authority-led arrangements, it shall be within the scope of the service to enable these non-police calls where identified to be routed to a non-police agency as seamlessly as if routing to a Police Force. With these additions the Public shall receive an improved, more consistent and capable service. The Authority is seeking to deliver its strategic priority of enhancing the critical public service which the 101 Single Non-Emergency Number provides and therefore wishes to establish a relationship with a Supplier that supports this vision in a cost-effective manner. The estimated annual value of the Contract is approx £5.8m-£8.3m ex VAT. This is an indicative value for information only, the Authority expects to receive optimum value for money proposals as part of the procurement.

CPV Codes

  • 64211000 - Public-telephone services
  • 64200000 - Telecommunications services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

The proposed initial Contract duration is 5 years from the Operational Services Commencement Date (i.e. date Supplier's Services go live) with option to extend by up to 2 further years in 1 year increments (i.e. 5+1+1yrs up to max 7yrs). Throughout this period the Supplier shall be expected to manage, operate and administer the required Services. The Supplier shall be responsible for the set-up, maintenance, up-keep and development of the service in order to maximise value-for-money and ensure the suitable provision of resilience of the national components of the service. Please note the contract start and end dates stated in this notice are provisional, and further detail is available in the procurement documents. For the avoidance of doubt, please note that respondents are required to express an interest separately for this competition regardless of their involvement in previous market engagement activities for this project. Any such involvement does not constitute an expression of interest for the competition advertised in this notice.The Home Office uses an eSourcing Portal to enable its sourcing activities to be conducted over the internet. In order to express an interest, please follow the steps set out below. The procurement will be managed electronically using the Jaggaer eSourcing Portal. The eSourcing Portal is an online application that allows suppliers to create and submit their Selection Questionnaire, responses to any requests for information, requests for quotes or requests for proposals via the internet rather than in paper form. To participate in this procurement, participants must first be registered on the eSourcing Portal. If you have not yet registered this can be done online at by following the link to register.All suppliers interested in learning more about the potential contract opportunity described in this contract notice should submit their details (company name, lead contact name, lead contact email address and telephone number), in the first instance, to the following address: will then be made for registered suppliers to access the eSourcing Portal for this opportunity so that they can provide a signed Non-Disclosure Agreement to enable access to the 101 SNEN procurement documents and Selection Questionnaire (SQ) event on the eSourcing Portal.Participants are requested to submit their details as soon as possible, to allow sufficient time for the administrative process and submission of responses. The Authority requires new participants to sign a Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA) in order to be invited to participate in the competition for this project. On receipt of an email as detailed above, the Authority will either confirm it holds a signed NDA as part of previous market engagement or provide access to the NDA document through the eSourcing Portal. If required, the Authority will expect participants to download the form and then attach a signed copy of the NDA to the event. When saving the document, please ensure that you include the participant organisation's name in the filename. Once a correctly signed NDA is received by the Authority, participants will be invited to the SQ stage of the competition, and will be able to access all of the relevant project documentation.The closing date for SQ submissions will be 12:00 on 13th October 2021. SQ clarification requests must be submitted no later than 12:00 on 5th October 2021.The Authority reserves the right to abandon the competitive process and not award any contract, or to make any changes it sees as reasonable to the competition.

